- Duration: 8 Hours
Course details
Core Modules
Date Module Topic Facilitator
Building the Foundation
22 & 23 March 2013 1 Strategic Planning: Neo Kok Beng
Growth & Internationalisation Roger Loo
05 & 06 April 2013 2 Finance for Decision Making & Control Adam Wong
Creating Sustainability
12 & 13 April 2013 3 Managing Professional Work Relationships Tan Hwee Hoon
& Cross Cultural Management
19 & 20 April 2013 4 Successful Business Management Adel Dimian
& Key Account Management
Accelerating Growth
03 May 2013 5 Legal Issues Christopher Chuah
04 May 2013 6 Opportunities in Building Innovations Michael Netzley
and Productivity Derek Nelson
Jim Tan
17 & 18 May 2013 7 Risk Management & Crisis Management Annie Koh
Eliza Quek
Module One
Strategic Planning: Growth & Internationalisation
As companies emerged from
small to medium enterprise,
they faced the daunting task
of growth to large and
international enterprises.
How do companies become
industry leaders? How do they
positioned for regional and
international growth? Which
international strategies should
they adopt?
The companies in international markets
operates in an environment of opportunities
and threats in which it is necessary
to develop appropriate growth and
internationalisation strategies configured to
compete with other firms while providing
value to customers and stakeholders.
This module introduces the participants on
the strategic thinking and methodologies
for companies to achieve their growth
potentials and global expansion plans.
Using local and international cases,
participants will understand the various
options available and apply them
towards their own growth plan and
internationalisation strategies.
Topics to be covered
> Strategic approaches to Growth
Introduction to Business Model Canvas
for Business Growth
> Strategic approach towards
Internationalisation Introduction to
Process Model of Internationalisation
> Core Competency Mapping & Analysis
An in-depth analysis of company
resources and capabilities; cultural
values and technology
> Value Chain Analysis
> Competitors Intelligence Step by step
approach to knowing what is competition
> Capability Building Building a Global
> Selling & Negotiating in International
> Strategic Approaches to Market Entry
Strategic Alliances, Acquisition &
Direct Investment
Co-Founder, President & CEO
AWAK Technologies
Neo Kok Beng is President & CEO of
AWAK Technologies. AWAK is developing
the platform technology for sorbent-based
dialysis generation and the first world
peritoneal-based automated wearable
artificial kidney. The company is the
2011 finalist of the Wall Street Journal's
Asia Innovation Award, the 2011 IES
Engineering Achievement Award, and 2010
winner of the US Department of Veterans
Affairs Innovation Initiative.
Prior to founding AWAK Technologies,
he founded e-healthcare, information
security, telematics / infocomm system.
These various innovation-driven companies
showcase his entrepreneurial dynamism
and spirit of adventures. He focuses
on the internationalisation of business
covering global strategy, strategic alliances,
technology licensing markets access.
Director, Management Consultancy Division
BDO Consultants Pte Ltd
With over ten years of experience in both
the business intelligence and consultancy
industries, Roger Loo has a proven track
record in areas that include market
intelligence and research, feasibility studies,
strategy consulting, internationalisation and
performance management. His regional
experience includes market developments
and penetrations in matured markets such
as Singapore and Hong Kong; product
development and market entry strategies
into emerging markets such as Greater
China, Vietnam and India.
Prior to joining BDO, Roger has served as
the Associate Director, Greater China for The
Asian Banker specialising in banking and
financial business intelligence and research
for the banking communities in the Middle
East, Asia and Oceania. Roger spearheaded
offices in Shanghai and Beijing, while
managing regional contacts in Hong Kong
and Taiwan.
Module Two
Finance for Decision Making & Control
Liberalisation of global
trade and investment flows
has created vast business
opportunities. Customer
preferences and market
demands are changing
constantly, resulting in more
intense pressure for firms to
reinvent and grow.
One of the keys to successful growth is
prudent financial management. Often firms
fail not because it has no business. On the
contrary, many firms failed because they
grew too fast without adequate financial
In this module, Mr. Adam Wong, a
seasoned banker, entrepreneur and
consultant, will share with participants key
issues in financing and cash management.
Participants will:
> Learn necessary financial tools to make
sound investments decisions
> Determine the cost of capital for various
investment projects
> Learn why many firms use IRR and EVA
to make financial decisions
> Understand the key building blocks of
Cash Management
> Determine the level of financing required
for business growth
> Protect profit by mitigating foreign
exchange risks
> Quantify the amount of credit risk a
business is exposed to
> Prevent business losses by having a
sound credit policy
> Gain an insight on how to determine the
pulse of a firm's financial health
> Know the limits of a firm's debt capacity
> Understand the key information available
from the various financial statements
> Use models to predict corporate distress
> Gain an overview of the financing
packages provided by banks in Singapore
> Explore alternate sources of financing
(REITS) beyond traditional bank debts
> Know the key fundamentals in
successfully raising bank debts.
Fellow CPA
Adam Wong is the Executive Director of
Mayvest Asia Pte Ltd, a financial consulting
firm. He is also an adjudicator of the
Financial Industry Disputes Resolution
Centre in Singapore. Prior to his current
appointment, he was a General Manager
with Standard Chartered Bank in both
Singapore and Hong Kong. He has also held
key management positions with other major
banks, with 22 years of successful track
record in Cash Management, eCommerce,
Corporate Banking and Trade Finance and
Small & Medium Enterprises.
Having strong strategic orientation and
regional exposure in South East Asia and
Hong Kong, he is credited with significantly
growing global banks' SME assets by 450%
and net profit by 140% over a three-year
period in Singapore. He also started a new
cash management business for a leading
bank in Asia and grew it to a USD35 billion
business annually.
Adam is a Fellow Certified Public
Accountant, Certified Credit Risk
Management Professional and a Certified
Professional Trainer, Adam has contributed
actively to the development and training
of professionals in the financial services
sector for more than 20 years by sharing
his expertise regularly through The Institute
of Banking and Finance, SMU and various
other organisations in Singapore, Malaysia,
Sri Lanka, Pakistan, Vietnam and Indonesia
Module Three
Managing Professional Work Relationships &
Cross Cultural Management
Managing Professional Work Relationships
Workplace relationships are complex.
And in this changing economy, working
with and alongside colleagues of vastly
different needs and background means
that the traditional styles of management
and leadership are no longer effective. The
human touch takes an added importance as
this engagement of colleagues becomes the
main leverage in how work gets done.
The first step to more effectively manage
relationships and leverage engagement
from others, involves understanding and
managing oneself. In doing so, one would
be able to adjust one's behaviour in relation
to others (such as supervisors, peers
and subordinates), leading to effective
management of others as well.
> Managing Oneself Self Awareness and
Self Regulation
>> The nature of perception, and how
perception affects behaviour, human
relations and performance
>> Attribution processes and biases
>> Personality profiles: How personality
affects behaviour as well as
perception and attitudes
>> Emotional intelligence and human
> Managing Others
>> Emotional intelligence revisited:
Showing empathy and gaining trust
>> Persuasion creating loyalty,
improving outcomes and building
strong relationships
>> Bosses, peers and subordinates
different strokes for different folks
Cross Cultural Management
We will examine issues related to
working in a cross-cultural environment,
and in particular, managing in a crosscultural
context. Working in a cross
border environment has become a norm
in most organisations. Therefore what
should one do to enhance one's crosscultural
management sensitivity and to
work harmoniously with co-workers and
stakeholders from different cultures and
Through experiential exercises, we will
work with participants on what it is like
being in a different culture and having to
interact with people from a culture that one
is not familiar with. In doing so, we will
highlight the need to adopt sophisticated
stereotyping to enable us to better work
with others. Further, we will introduce skills
and competencies required to function in
a cross-cultural environment. A case study
will be used to explore management issues
such as leadership, motivation in a cross
cultural environment.
PhD, Purdue University
Having earned her PhD in Management from
the Krannert School, Purdue University in
December 1996, Hwee Hoon taught at the
School of Business at the National University
of Singapore from 1990 to 2005 and has
been with the Lee Kong Chian School of
Business, SMU since December 2005.
Her research interests are in the areas of
interpersonal trust, cross cultural awareness
and emotional management at the workplace.
Hwee Hoon was also the Asia-Pacific Editor
of the Journal of World Business from
2000 to 2004, having articles published in
many international journals, including the
Academy of Management Journal, Strategic
Management Journal, Journal of Applied
Psychology, Human Relations.
Hwee Hoon is actively involved in Executive
Teaching, both in English and Chinese;
and has trained for major organisations in
Singapore and China such as the Monetary
Authority of Singapore, Motorola University,
IMC Corp Limited, SingTel, Kerry Oils and
Alcatel Asia Pacific. She also consults for
organizations such as the Singapore Tourism
Board, IE Singapore and the Asia-Pacific
Economic Cooperation.
Module Four
Successful Business Management &
Key Account Management
Business Management
The challenges faced by managers and
their sponsors have increased with time.
Business dealings are increasingly more
complex, more competitive, serving
multiple stakeholders, and often global in
This session is designed to offer a
practical and foundational understanding
of successful business management and
decision-making. With the tools, cases,
examples and theories presented here,
participants will be able to successfully
face the challenges of first-of-a-kind
opportunities, complex programs, and new
technologies. Managers will learn how to
access opportunities and prioritise the
programs which lead to their successful
Participants will discuss the following in
this one-day module:
> Why do businesses fail?
>> Strategy & Execution
>> Case in point: Maker 49
>> 12 Sure Ways to Fail
> Thinking about programs from a business
>> The Diamond Framework for
understanding program scope
>> Schrello's Framework for
understanding business decisions
> Successful business management &
program execution
>> Portfolio Management
>> Organizing & Deciding
>> Leading Change
Key Account Management
Growing a business is a competitive and
challenging enterprise. Even when the
industry or market of interest is growing,
the question remains if one is growing
optimally or in a sustainable way.
When the industry or market of interest is
slowing, these questions are answered very
clearly. Those organisations with a
fundamentally sound and targeted growth
operational plan will succeed in good
times and in bad. This session will enable
those leaders and managers within the
construction industry to understand the
application of the business development
and account management process to
support their growth objectives.
> Profiling your best (and worst) customers
> Customer value segmentation and
> The key account relationship model
> Key account selection and account
> Elements of a business plan and
planning for growth
PhD, North Dakota State University
Adel is a Practice Associate Professor
of Management in the Lee Kong Chian
School of Business, Singapore Management
University. He joined SMU after serving
nearly 19 years with 3M in varied and
increasing responsibilities in technical and
business management worldwide. Adel was
awarded nine patents for novel chemistry
Having spent three years based in Singapore,
he was appointed regional business
development manager, and was responsible
for 3M's Asia electronics portfolio.
Prior to moving back to Singapore and joining
SMU, Adel was appointed vice president
and general manager for 3M's healthcare IT
compliance business unit in New York City.
He has worked in a spectrum of industries
which included the healthcare, memory
technology, commercial brand identity and
graphic design, IT, and electronic market
He received his formal education in
the sciences, liberal arts, and business
administration earning a BS and PhD
degrees in chemistry, and an MBA with
honours from the Carlson School of
Management, University of Minnesota. His
expertise is strategy, innovation, process
improvement and general management.
Successful Business Management & Key Account Management 05
Module Five
Legal Issues
The objective of this seminar
is to introduce the participants
to an overview of disputes
frequently encountered during
the construction process.
These disputes typically
encompass payment-related
claims and delays and
associated consequences. The
resolution of such disputes
must now be considered also
in the light of the Building and
Construction Industry Security
of Payment Act 2004.
> Construction Procurement Process
>> Tenders and award of contracts
>> Problems relating to letters of intent
and award of tenders
>> Rules of interpretation and problems
with inconsistent or ambiguous
> Time and delays in Construction Work
>> Commencement and completion of
the work
>> Extension of time and concept of
>> Damages for delay
>> Prolongation claims and concurrent
> Payment disputes
>> Overview of adjudication regime
under the Security of Payment Act
>> Payment claims and payment
>> Jurisdictional objections
> Claims and dispute resolution
>> Contractor's claim strategies
>> Defence strategies
>> Construction litigation vs arbitration
Bachelor of Laws with Second Class
Honours/Upper Division
University of London,
London School of Economics
Diploma in Surveying, Distinction
The College of Estate Management,
Christopher Chuah heads the Infrastructure,
Construction & Engineering Practice and
is a Partner in the China Practice of Wong
Partnership. His practice encompasses
front-end drafting/advice and construction
disputes, both litigation and arbitration.
Christopher graduated from the London
School of Economics, is admitted to the
English Bar and to the Singapore Bar, and
has a Diploma in Surveying (Distinction)
from the College of Estate Management,
Reading, UK.
Christopher is on the Panel of Arbitrators
of the Singapore International Arbitration
Centre and Kuala Lumpur Regional Centre for
Arbitration; a legal advisor to the Singapore
Contractors Association Limited, a Fellow
of the Singapore Institute of Arbitrators,
Chartered Institute of Arbitrators and the
Chartered Institute of Building ("CIOB);
an accredited Adjudicator under the
Building & Construction Industry Security of
Payment Act (Cap 30B); the Vice-President
of the CIOB, Singapore; a member of the
Committee for International Construction
and Building Contracts, the Construction
Adjudicator Accreditation Committee, The
Law Society of Singapore's Investigative
Tribunal and The Institution of Engineers,
Singapore's Panel of Legal Advisors.
He is recommended as a leading lawyer
in international legal directories including
The Legal 500: Asia Pacific since 2001,
Who's Who Legal: The International Who's
Who of Construction Lawyers 2008 and
The International Who's Who of Business
Lawyers (2009 2010) and Best Lawyers
International: Singapore (2008 2009)
Module Six
Opportunities in Building Innovations and Productivity
Driving Change & Innovation
Despite change being one of the most
overused words in business, the reality
is that increased competition, demands
for on-time delivery and cost control,
and innovation are all making change an
everyday part of our professional lives. How
then can you learn to better respond to and
drive change through your team and the
organization? During this half-day session
you will learn about the eight essential
steps for driving change and discuss the
main reasons why people resist change.
The session will be discussion-based
and highly interactive, mixing the best of
academic insights with the participants'
professional experience.
Your key takeaways will include:
> Insights about why it is so important and
how to create a compelling case for
making the desired change
> Introduction to the eight essential steps
for driving and delivering change
> Essential reasons why people resist
change and how to help your staff adapt
to the new requirements
> Top reasons why most change initiatives
never deliver their intended outcomes.
Productivity in Construction
To achieve higher productivity it is essential
that organisation leadership develop and
maintain a culture of high productivity in
how projects are planned and executed.
Whilst the increased use of prefabrication,
mechanisation and system components
will enhance the delivery effectiveness of
projects, productivity loss will arise from
a number of factors that require early
identification and management to minimise
any adverse impact on the parties and the
This module will consider:
> Creating a Culture for High Productivity
> Integrated Time, Cost and Resource
Planning, Risk Analysis and Management
> Earned Value Management
> Change Management
Understanding BIM application and
concepts is crucial to all building projects
The topics discuss includes:
> BIM Introduction and Concepts
> Building Lifecycle Management
> 'BIG BIM' vs 'little bim'
> Why we should use BIM?
> The Secrets to Adopting BIM
> Analogy of Implementing BIM
> Case Study BIM from the Owner's
Founder & Managing Director,
Xcube Solutions Pte Ltd
Jim Tan is a practicing Architect registered
with the Singapore Board of Architects.
His interest in technology for the building
industry begin during his pursue of his
degree in NUS in the nineties.
Jim believes that BIM (Building Information
Modeling) is not just a tool or software. It
is also a new process and methodology that
will improved our building industry overall.
The key is 'information' and 'change'. By
sharing his experience and knowledge in
BIM, Jim hopes that the entire building
industry can become more productive and
In 2010, Jim formed Xcube Solutions Pte
Ltd to share and educate his experience in
BIM and has since provided BIM solutions
for building owners, consultants and
PhD, University of Minnesota
Michael serves on the faculty of Singapore
Management University and has been
named a 2010 Fellow to the Society for New
Communications Research. A dedicated
internationalist, he has lived and worked in
USA, Japan, Germany, Argentina, Finland,
and Slovenia. Michael moved to Singapore
in 2002 after six years of teaching in the
MBA program at, and earning his PhD from,
the University of Minnesota.
An enthusiastic teacher, Michael leads
executive, MBA, and undergraduate courses
in leadership and corporate communication.
He has completed the participant-centered
learning program at Harvard Business
School, founded and led SMU's teaching
excellence initiative, and written or served
as the academic director of more than 50
business case studies. His books discuss
workplace communication skills, and his
forthcoming book examines corporate
reputation practices across Asia.
After 20 years in higher education, the next
chapter of Michael's career will include
research and case writing about social media
and how digital technologies are changing
the way we learn, work, and communicate.
Senior Vice President and Regional
Managing Director, Asia Hill International
Derek is in charge of Hill International's
Asia Region. With 30 years of experience
in construction and engineering across
Asia and Europe; and BSc, LLM, and
PGDip qualifications, he specialises in the
preparation, negotiation and settlement
of construction claims, as well as dispute
mitigation and avoidance.
Derek's expertise includes commercial
management, procurement, construction
cost control, delay, disruption, and
quantum. His academic and professional
qualifications coupled with his extensive
experience of the construction process, has
led him to be appointed as an Independent
Expert Witness in litigation and arbitration.
Derek is an Accredited and Certified Expert
Module Seven
Risk Management & Crisis Management
This module comprises of
two segments: Enterprise
Risk Management and Crisis
Management Strategies.
Enterprise Risk Management
Enterprise Risk Management provides
participants with an overview of the various
risk drivers. Through exercises, the session
aims to enhance the participants' risk
management awareness.
Crisis Management
In this session, we aim to build
participants' skills in crisis management
through highly interactive simulated
exercises and case examples.
Participants will be able to:
> Develop strategies to anticipate and
prevent crises from occurring
> Deal effectively with crises as and when
they do occur
> Implement contingency plans to cope
> Institute recovery measures to re-build
image, reputation and regain the
confidence of key stakeholders
PhD, New York University
Annie Koh is Vice President for Business
Development and External Relations at the
Singapore Management University (SMU).
An Associate Professor of Finance, Annie
also holds the position Academic Director
of The Financial Training Institute (FTI),
Centre for Professional Studies (CPS),
International Trading Centre (ITC) and
Business Families Institute (BFI) at SMU.
Her previous portfolio includes positions as
Associate Dean, Lee Kong Chian School of
Business and Dean, Office of Executive &
Professional Education. She received her
PhD in International Finance from New
York University (Stern School of Business)
in 1988 where she was a Fulbright scholar.
A frequently sought after conference
speaker at the World Economic Forum,
panel moderator and expert commentator,
Annie's research interests are in Family
Office and Family Business Research,
Investor Behaviour, Alternative Investments,
and Enterprise Risk Management. She
has extensive experience in consulting
and executive education for the corporate
and public sectors, training professionals
in leadership, management, directorship,
private banking and wealth management.
MA, Birkbeck College
University of London
Eliza Quek is currently an Adjunct Faculty
at SMU, where she teaches business
management courses. Eliza earned her
M.A in Manpower Studies from Birkbeck
College, University of London. She has
extensive international training experience
in enhancing leadership competencies in
the areas of strategic management, issues
identification, ethics and crisis management;
building high performing teams; performance
management; creative problem solving and
innovation; change management; coaching
and mentoring staff. Her clients range from
creative entrepreneurs, SMEs through to
multinational companies and governments.
Course Location
About BCA Academy
BCA Academy provides quality training and research programmes for the advancement of the building industry and the development of an excellent built environment. Since 1984, the Academy has been playing a key role in ensuring that the skills and expertise required to shape a safe, high quality, sustainable, and friendly built environment are readily available.
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