Android Advanced The Pragmatic Lab
Price: SGD 2,200

    Course details

    In this illuminating course, learn to build Android apps and reach out to millions of Android users as we dig deep into the Android API, and pick up nifty skills like developing widgets and harnessing the capabilities of the Android hardware, such as the accelerometer and GPS.

    List Views and Adapters

    • Scroll lists of items and devise layouts with adapters.

    Databases and Cursors

    • Read and write to SQLite databases.

    Running Apps in the Background

    • Learn what happens when the app is relegated to the background, and how to reduce memory usage.

    Action Bar

    • Customize action bars which allow for navigation across the application.

    Web Services

    • Interact with web endpoints using XML (Extensible Markup Language) and JSON (Javascript Object Notation).

    Map Views and Sensors

    • Learn how to embed zoomable maps, as well as the accelerometer and GPS.
    Updated on 08 November, 2015

    About The Pragmatic Lab

    The Pragmatic Lab is a small school. Classes sit up to a maximum of 10 students. The school teaches evrey skill level even if your new to programming. Learn how to think like a software engineer and build production-quality applications.

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