Course details
UPDATED TO INCLUDE SFIA 8 FULL RELEASE (released on 28 September 2021)
The foundation-level training is focussed on the structure, language, and a high-level overview of how SFIA is used. It does not include hands-on practical use of SFIA, as this is covered at other levels. As a result, training at foundation-level lends itself to different forms of delivery which dont necessarily have to include an instructor-led approach.
Learning Objectives: Understand… + Read More
Course details
UPDATED TO INCLUDE SFIA 8 FULL RELEASE (released on 28 September 2021)
The foundation-level training is focussed on the structure, language, and a high-level overview of how SFIA is used. It does not include hands-on practical use of SFIA, as this is covered at other levels. As a result, training at foundation-level lends itself to different forms of delivery which dont necessarily have to include an instructor-led approach.
Learning Objectives: Understand the underlying idea of SFIA what it is and what it is not; Understand the structure of SFIA including Categories and Subcategories.
Prerequisites: None
This is a SFIA Foundation accredited course covering the training requirements for those looking to become accredited at foundation level. This level is also the first module for those seeking to apply to become an accredited SFIA Consultant, SFIA Practitioner or SFIA Assessor.
Why is SFIA important to you?
People, their skills and experience, have become a critical aspect for the operations of companies with a dependency on Information & Communications Technology.
Most companies dont know the current skills of their Digital, Cybersecurity and ICT Workforce, or what they need short, medium or long term
Without this, there is significant risk of visible business disruption, cybersecurity breach, digital transformation and project failure, compromised ability to deliver products and services to customers at agreed levels, poor employee engagement, recruitment and retention, ineffective training and development
Updated on 02 May, 2023 - Read Less