Udemy Self Defense Training Course: Survival Combat Fitness Udemy
Price: AED 73

    Course details

    This comprehensive self defense training course is for men and women of all sizes and ability levels. You are taught exactly how to protect yourself in public or in your home. You will gain the confidence and techniques needed to become aware, avoid and defend against unarmed attacks, as well as those with a stick, knife and gun.

    You will learn how to become safer:

    1. In Your Home
    2. At the ATM
    3. Pumping Gas
    4. At the Mall
    5. At a Club

    You will be given a step-by-step guide so you gain a deep understand of each technique and all the details which make a difference.

    The training is filmed with the highest quality cameras and slow motion replay so your learning experience is also fun and enjoyable.

    You will be taught by two of the most qualified self-defense and combat fitness experts in the world.

    About Your Instructor, Yuri Boiarsky:

    • 29 Years of Experience
    • Trained Israeli Defense Force (IDF), SWAT, U.S. Special Forces & Embassy Security Personnel
    • 2nd Degree Black Belt in Krav Maga
    • Certified Krav Maga Instructor - Wingate Institute (Israel)
    • Certified Law Enforcement Instructor
    • Experience in Aikido, Thai Boxing, Kickboxing

    About Your Instructor, John Spencer Ellis:

  • Founder: MMA Conditioning Association
  • CEO: NESTA (National Exercise & Sports Trainers Association)
  • Personal Trainer Hall of Fame
  • Fitness Hall of Fame
  • 2nd Degree Black Belt Kung-fu
  • Black Belt Ninjutsu
  • Holds Rank in Tae Kwon Do, Karate, Jiu Jitsu and Krav Maga
  • Experience in Boxing and Muay Thai

  • Here's something to think about....

    We both know it's a dangerous world, and sometimes in your own neighborhood. Some people stick their head in the sand and ignore the current reality, and the reality of the near future. Our reality is that you can never be too prepared to protect yourself, your family and your property. You must have the SKILLS & ABILITY to HANDLE THE SITUATION FAST!

    Not to worry, we have a solution for you. Survival Combat Fitness is a complete online training system that gives you a significant strategic advantage over your attackers. You will be given step-by-step instruction on how to make your body move and feel like a soldier fresh out of boot camp. And, you will be given advanced fighting techniques previously taught to the FBI, CIA, Navy SEALS, SWAT and other high level officials. 90% of these techniques are NOT what you see in the UFC or other sanctioned events. Why? Because these are deadly techniques and not for sport. This isn't about winning a title or a trophy, it's about getting out alive, and with all your family and possessions intact.

    If you think you are physically and mentally ready, you're not. In fact, when you complete your Survival Combat Fitness training, you will realize just how much you are ahead of all others who think they have it figured out.

    It's time for you to step up and be SCF ready! We'll teach you everything you need to know.


    Let's get started,

    Yuri & John

    Updated on 22 March, 2018
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