Udemy Selenium Webdriver course with Java for Beginners Udemy
Price: AED 367
  • Duration: Flexible

Course details

By end of this course you will be familiar in writingselenium scripts for automating browser application testing.The course has been prepared in such a way that you can learn this course starting from basics to advanced topics in a progressive way. Course has assignments/quizzes for you to practice and strengthen your knowledge.

By end of this course you will become an expert in:

  • Java Basics to advanced concepts required for testers
  • Writing selenium scripts to interact web elements like text boxes, drop downs, radio buttons, buttons
  • Writing selenium scripts to automate web pages validattion
  • Set up Maven project for Selenium
  • Understand Project Model Object (POM) architecture
  • Working with Log4J and TestNG frameworks.
  • Writing selenium scripts for end-end scenarios.

Course Highlights:

  • "We respect your time"-all the videos are short and straight to point without wasting your valuable time.
  • Assignments -Given assignmentsalong with required resources, which will help you practice your learning.
  • Short and precise videos
  • Checkpoint questions


I offerfull support, answering any questions you have.

This means youll never find yourself stuck on one lesson with out progress. With my hand-holding guidance, youll learnsmoothly through this course without any major issues.

Updated on 14 November, 2018
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