Course details

In our Certified Scrum Product Owner training, you will learn the Scrum framework and both the fundamentals of being a Product Owner and a wealth of advanced topics.

Course Content: 

  • Introduction
  • Scrum Process and Roles
  • Requirements Management
  • Release Management
  • Sprint Management
  • Portfolio Management
  • Large and Distributed Scrum Projects

Learning Outcomes: 

  • Assume the responsibilities of a Product Owner and apply Scrum to optimize customer satisfaction and value creation.
  • Leverage Scrum to optimise value creation and customer satisfaction
  • Create a realistic release plan, stock the product backlog, write user stories and refine requirements.
  • Increase productivity, level the workload, and steer a project proactively.

Course Assessment: 

  • Through a mixture of class room study, exercises, pair discussions and real-world trainer experiences, an attendee will gain strong experiences that will be a invaluable help for their first Scrum project as Product Owner.

Course Requirements: 

  • There are no technical pre-requisites.
Updated on 08 November, 2015

About Rural Food Skillnet

Skillnets actively supports and works with businesses in Ireland to address their current and future skills needs.

they believe that training and up-skilling are key elements in keeping Irish companies competitive.

they fund groups of companies in the same region/sector, and with similar training needs, through training networks that deliver subsidised training to Irish businesses. 

Employer needs are addressed through both the preservation and growth of jobs, focusing on skills to maintain businesses and protect jobs as theyll as the enhancement of new skills to create new jobs.

The needs of unemployed people are addressed through activation and conversion by focusing on integrated training with employees and dedicated conversion ctheirses and work placement in areas of employment potential.

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