Screen Writing For Beginners Pobalscoil Neasain
Price: AED 353

    Course details

    This course covers aspects of screenwriting for both film and TV including formatting and story structure along with an analysis of various films and TV programmes. Students will also have the opportunity to complete their own 8-15 minute screenplay eligible for RTE/Film base funding funding.

    Updated on 08 November, 2015

    About Pobalscoil Neasain

    The mission statement of We_They is to provide a caring and a committed atmosphere in which the partnership of staff, parents and students enables our students to achieve their full potential. This partnership aims to foster the holistic development of all our students in a supportive, safe environment of mutual respect, which develops the uniqueness of each student. We aim to prepare our students for the rich and varied challenges, which the journey of life may present in a pluralist society.

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