Asia Masters Center Risk Management & Supply Chain Asia Masters Center
Price: SAR 9,376

    Course details

    Uncertainty and risk exist in every supply chain. Customer demand can never be forecast exactly, shipping times will never be certain.
    Suppliers may be unable to produce and deliver materials or goods on time. Outsourcing business functions to third parties may not deliver the cost savings, capabilities and efficiencies initially anticipated.
    This course is designed to cover the expected and non-expected risks in the aviation supply chain and aviation logistics, and discuss the techniques and strategies to manage these risks in the aviation supply chain and logistics.

    Updated on 23 January, 2018

    Job roles this course is suitable for:

    Logistic managers , SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGER

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    Asia Masters Center is a training and development company providing a set of professional training programme and seminar which may enhancing a career development 

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