Course details

Full Angular JS Training
Who Should Attend :
  • Web Developers who want to develop power web apps using Angular JS 2
  • Front End Web Developers who want to migrate from Angular JS 1 to Angular JS 2
Course Outline                             16 Hours
Part 1  -                                               
Section 1 - TypeScript Overview
  • ES6 & TypeScript
  • Static Typing
  • Constants 
  • Block Variables
  • Template Strings
  • Arrow Functions
  • Spread parameters
  • Rest parameters
  • De structuring 
  • Classes
  • Inheritance 
  • Interfaces
  • Modules
  • Decorators
Section 2 - Architecture Overview
  • Setting up AngularJS 2
  • Angular Hello World App
  • Booststrapping angular to
  • Architecture Overview
  • Core concepts
Section 3. Modules, Components and Templates
  • Introduction to Modules
  • Importing Modules
  • What are components in Angular
  • Component templates
  • Component metadata
  • Component decorator
  • Decorator configurations
  • Component Events
  • Template Variables
Section 4. Data Binding
  • What is Data Binding
  • Property Events
  • Passing data into a Component
  • Passing data from parent component
  • Event Bindings
  • Passing Data Outside the Component
  • Parent receiving data from child
  • Two way Data Binding
  • Hands on Data Binding - creating movie details screen
Section 5. Directives and Pipes
  • What are Directives in Angular
  • Structural directives
  • Attribute directives
  • Built In Pipes
  • Hands on directives and pipes - updating movie details view
  • Using ngIf and ngClass directive
  • Using inbuilt pipes
Part 2                                                
Section 6. Services and Dependency Injection
  • What are services
  • Writing our custom service to load of movies
  • What is Dependency Injection 
  • How Angular does dependency injection
  • Using dependency injection to load services
  • Hands on Services - load movies and then create a Grid View layout to display movies
  • Using ngFor directive
  • Creating grid layout
Section 7. Angular Routing
  • Angular 2 routing 
  • Route configuration
  • Route params
  • Hands on Routing - navigating between grid view and details view
  • Exercise - add route to navigate from details view to edit view
Section 8. Angular Forms & Validations
  • User input
  • Form Validations
  • Form States
  • Hands on Form Validation - adding a edit details form to update movie details
Section 9. Angular, MongoDB and Express
  • Creating tables using MongoDB
  • Adding and retrieving data from MongoDB
  • Creating API's in Express to fetch data
  • Creating Services in Angular to connect to Mongo
  • Using services to load data from Mongo
Section 10. Deploying Angular App to Heroku
  • Publishing your app to Github
  • Heroku Toolbelt overview
  • Logging to Heroku inside toolbelt
  • Updating and testing the app locally
  • Deploying app to Heroku
Updated on 27 June, 2018

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Agilitics Pte. Ltd. is Singapore headquartered, Data and Business Analytics focussed company. We are the real experts of the big data domain. 

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