Industrial Petroleum Training Services Safety at Truck Drivers Industrial Petroleum Training Services
Price: AED 1,752
  • Timings: Enquire

Course details

Course Description
Tens of people are killed each year in incidents at work and over one million people are injured. Over two million suffer illnesses caused by, or made worse by, their work. Preventing accidents and ill health caused by work is a key priority for everyone at work. As the owner or manager of a business you know that competent employees are valuable.
Employee training is a key component of any safety program Keep in mind that an employee must have training to do their job safely. Therefore, if they have duties that are potentially hazardous supervisors must ensure that appropriate information has been provided. Any time the duties, equipment and/or processes change the employee must receive updated training.
Course Objectives
1. Ensure your employees are not injured or got health problem by the work they do
2. Develop a positive health and safety culture, where safe and healthy is equal priority to the production / business 
3. Seek out how you could manage health and safety better
  Updated on 17 July, 2019

Job roles this course is suitable for:

not applicable , not applicable , not applicable

About Industrial Petroleum Training Services


  • First approved center for First aid training in GCC
  • Trusted since 2003
  • Cost effective solutions
  • Consultative & Customized delivery
  • Multi language delivery
  • Qualified & Experts Pool of 50+ trainers
  • MOL approved training’s
  • Tamkeen support for Bahraini nationals

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