Retail Management Diploma Communications and Management Institute (CMI)
Price: AED 6,175
  • Duration: 10 weeks
  • Timings: Flexible

    Course details

    This Diploma in Retail Operations Management course is designed to provide you with the latest retail management knowledge and skills from operations to how to run a profitable retail store.

    Course Aims

    The aim of this Retail Operations Management course, is to introduce you to the retail strategies and tactics that make a successful retail operation. In this retail course, you will learn, the consumer buyer process, supply chain management, negotiation and how to manage staff+ Read More

    About Communications and Management Institute (CMI)

    Since 2003, when CMI was founded, thousands of students have successfully received international and national awards, from CMI, which has enormously boosted their careers.Investing in part-time study pays for itself. Over 90% of past students in the UAE are currently in employment and many hold positions in junior, middle and senior management and others now work in specialised vocational areas.  CMI courses are offered through our online learning platform which is a fantastic way to bring learning to your home. Access to the latest resources, course notes, past assignment/ past exam papers are available. Live online classes are recorded for later playback and viewing. CMI Tutors, are not your typical teachers. They are working practitioners during the day and masters of their teaching subject at night. They have the experience and qualifications, unrivaled by other educational institutes. CMI lecturers will bring your qualifications and education to the next level.Several highly distinguished quality awarding bodies have given their stamp of approval to CMI. This is a mark of our quality commitment and guarantee to you. When choosing Communications & Management Institute, you can rest assure that you are choosing the right institute.

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