Resilience: Tools. Research. Stories. CPD Accredited Program Udemy
Price: AED 735
  • Duration: Flexible

Course details


As a Prominent Online Instructor and the Authority Figure in the field of Positive Psychology, Happiness and Human Flourishing I am actively involved in this amazing community of happier people and do my best to answer all the questions within 48 hours.

Course updated on November 12th, 2018.

About this course:

  • FREE 30 minutes personal coaching - $175 value - upon 100% course completion

  • Certification program- Receive Udemy + High Impact Consulting and Coaching -Resilience: The Science Behind and My Personal Storieswhen you meet the requirements outlined in the course.

  • Full, free lifetime access

  • All future extra lectures and upgrades are always included for free

  • Unconditional Udemy30 day money-back guarantee- that's my personal promise of your success!

  • Regularfree surprise bonusesto help you change your habits andbecome evenhappier!

  • Fully Accredited CPD / CE Program by theCPD Standards and when completed you will be eligibleto receive Accredited Certificate with 10 CPD / CE Hours.

The course covers the scientifically proven methods to understand and practice...

  • How to become more resilient

  • How to band but not break

  • Why having a role model is a key factor to resiliency

  • What to do to maintainPhysical Fitness

  • Why Brain Fitness is important and what to do about it

  • How to maintainEmotional and CognitiveFlexibility

  • How tofindMeaning and Purpose

  • When (Grounded) Optimism makes sense

  • Why Facing Fear is more important then avoiding it

  • CreateYourMoral Compass

  • When Spirituality and Religion can help with the Resiliency

  • Is Social Support so important and how to create one

This program is Fully Accredited CPD / CE Program by theCPD Standards and when completed you will be eligibleto receive Accredited Certificate with 10 CPD / CE Hours.

Our CPD providerNumber is 50124

CPD / CE is beneficial for employees career progression and advancement. CPD research confirmed that for anyone hoping to get promoted, or wanting to specialize in a different area, demonstrating their learning agility and dedication to CPD / CE can make a substantive difference. In real terms, this means that Accredited Certificate contributes to achievinghigher salaries.

For employees, CPD / CE helps them keep their knowledge and skills up-to-date. It also ensures that the professional standard of their qualifications and registrations ismaintained. Furthermore, it contributes to their professional sense of direction. Completing CPD / CE helps build their confidence and credibility, allows them to showcase their achievements and equips them with tools to cope positively with change.

Within different regions, there can be different terminology used. For example, CPD can be known as Continuing Education (CE) or Continuing Professional Education (CPE).It is important to note that these terms are completely interchangeable with CPD, and are both focused on a structured approach to lifelong learning.

Global Acceptance of CPD Standards Accreditation

Whilst based in the UK, the CPD Standards accreditation operates internationally and meets the CPD / CE requirements and expectations for all professional bodies, regulators and membership organizations across the globe. This means that a professional attending an accredited CPD / CE training activity can receive a CPD / CE Certificate of Attendance, which can then be used towards their national CPD / CE requirements.

Due to the research undertaken by the CPD Standards Research Project with various professional bodies and regulators the accreditation is recognized and respected internationally. Formal CPD Standards certificates are issued and accepted in a multitude of countries and across all professional sectors.

CPD in the United States of America often uses slightly different language to describe the practice of CPD e.g. CE Continuing Education, CPE Continuing Professional Education, CME Continuing Medical Education, or CLE Continuing Legal Education.

Similar to the UK, there are stringent requirements for professionals to undertake CE within different sectors, with over 4000 professional bodies, institutes, and regulators across the country.

It is a rather complex area as each of the 52 States has different CE requirements in place for regulated areas e.g. lawyers in Alaska have to under 4 hours of CPD a year, whereas lawyers in Ohio have to undertake 24 hours of CE over 2 years.

For additional knowledge and toolson Positive Psychology andHabits please check my other programs.


At the end of this course, you will:

  • Find YourBig Role Model

  • Become even morePhysically Fit

  • Start practicing BrainFitness

  • Learn aboutYourEmotional Flexibility

  • Start looking for andcreating aMeaning and Purpose

  • Only look forGrounded Optimism

  • Start Facing Fear

  • Create and FollowMoral Compass

  • Become even moreSpiritual

  • Look for stringerSocial Support

Every minute you delay is actually COSTING you...Happiness, Resiliency,Fitness, Success...


Updated on 14 November, 2018
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