Udemy Real Food for Real People: Nutrition Success for Life Udemy
Price: AED 129

    Course details

    Real food for Real People: Nutrition Success for Life will teach you all you need to know about nutrition, for real people. You will learn about the science behind how much and what to eat for your own personal goals, how to read nutrition labels, what is in certain foods, and how to correlate this all back to your own requirements. The learnings in this course will enable you to get full control of your nutrition once and for all, and set you up with the knowledge required to achieve long term success with no gimmicks or quick fixes, just real, delicious food. This course is a combination of video and supporting documents with further information, as well as multi-choice quizzes throughout to ensure you understand the content, so you can then take further action once complete. After course support is also provided so there is no excuse for not sticking to this and finally living the healthy, balanced lifestyle you desire.

    Updated on 22 March, 2018
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