- Duration: Flexible
Course details
- Building many examples such as To do list, YouTube Search API, ImgurSearchAPI...
- Showinghow an application can grow from simple DOM/jQuery app to Redux/React/ES6/React-Router app.
- 60 lectures (6.5hours of content) coverthe knowledge ofECMAScript 2015(ES6),Redux technology and React framework from basic to advanced levels.
- There are manyexercises and quizzes in each section, which help to re-enforce your knowledge before continuing the next section.
- Using visual teaching aids such asmind-mapping,colorfuldrawings stimulating animations andmockupsto help you master even the most challenging concepts of React and Redux. Have you everstruggled forseveral months to get familiar with anew frameworkin other courses?Do you wonder why fewdevelopers can easilyadapt toanew technology while others need to put in so muchtime and effort?In my course,you will be able to work with Redux-React justafter2 WEEKs.The modern teaching and learning methodreallyhelps you realize how you will be able to improve yourself andgo through the rest of your ITcareer more comfortably.
- You will receive support for whatever questions or issues you may havewithin 24HOURS!!!!!
This is awell-organized course. The curriculumhas been createdin such a way that learning Redux-Reacthas never been soeasy!It is divided into 9 sections:
- The three firstsections focusonReduxtechnology. These sections coverboth of basic and advanced knowledge of Redux. You may wonder why I don't focus on the React project first. The reason is that I need tostress that Redux has no relation to React. You can write Redux apps with React, Angular, Ember, jQuery, or vanilla JavaScript.Redux works especially well with frameworks like Reactand Dekubecause they let you describe UI as a function of state, and Redux emits state updates in response to actions. These firstsections only apply Redux into plain JavaScript and jQuery. Applying Redux into React immediatelywill cause you feel hard to distinguishbetween the knowledge of React and the knowledge of Redux.
- The fourth section focuses onECMAScript2015 (ES6). In fact, you can work with a Redux &React application without using ES6. However, an experienced React developer usually triesto apply ES6 as much as possible to make his project much more concise and clear. Getting familiar with ES6 will help you go through the next sections more comfortably.
- The fifth section focuses onReactframework. This section also shows clearlyhow to use React Developer Tools. Itis an Chrome extensionwhich helps debugging andmanaging React components, component'sstateandprops.
- The sixth and seventhsectionsillustratehow to applyReduxtechnology andES6efficiently into anReactapplication. After the 6thsection, you will know abasic way to use Redux in a React framework. You will also knowhow to use ReduxDevTools. Itis an Chrome extensionwhich helps debugging andmanaging Reduxstate and action. After the 7thsection, you will know how to use "React-Redux" library which is an advanced way to handle interactionsbetween Redux and React, and make your project a lot shorter and concise.
- The eighth section guides you on how to manipulateURLs with React-Redux-Router library
- The last onegivemore advanced knowledge.
- React is a JavaScript library for creating user interfaces by Facebook and Instagram.We built React to solve one problem: building large applications with data that changes over time.
- So many companies are adopting React.js every day. Some examples of big companies using React areNetflix, Yahoo, Facebook, WhatsApp, Instagram andAtlassian. Mastering React framework andRedux technologywill offer you a lot of opportunities for the highest paying jobs
- Managing state in an application is critical, and is often done haphazardly. Redux provides a state container for JavaScript applications that will help your applications behave consistently.
- Redux is an evolution of the ideas presented by Facebook'sFlux, avoiding the complexity found in Flux by looking to how applications are built with the Elm language.
- Redux is useful for React applications
- Exploring manyfeatures ofECMAScript 2015 (ES6)such asLet, Const, Import, Export, Arrow Functions, Cass, Object Destructuring, Array Destructuring, Spread/Rest Operator, Template Strings, Object.assign().
- Using many advanced JavaScript featureswhich help makeyour Redux React project more concisesuch asArray.prototype.map(), Array.prototype.filter(),Function.prototype.bind().
- Applyingthe related technologies supporting React such as"React/Redux Developer Tools,NPM,Webpack,Babel,
- UsingJSX syntax tomake theReact projectmore elegant.
Note again: We're very confident, that is why we are giving you a30 DAY MONEY BACK GUARANTEE, no questions asked, so make sure toEnroll Now!
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