React Master Class - Learn By Building Components and Apps Udemy
Price: AED 734
  • Duration: Flexible

Course details

This is a live course and the content is continuously updated. This covers the latest version of React.

Treat this offer as a "One Time Investment" to all future updates.

Planned update for 2019:

* Redux, (Build your own Redux)

* MobX

* GraphQL

This course will take youfrom React Novice to React intermediate (advanced, orExpert level, with practice). We will covering some fundamentals in the beginning but move on to applications and the cool stuff.

In this course we will alsocode a reusable DataTable component from scratch, implement drag and drop without using any third party library, create json based dynamic forms and much more.

You will learn many fundamental aspects of React Component design and also learn how to take this approach to build any UI component that you wish. Once you successfully complete the course you will have learned how to build a pretty advanced React component that contains the following features.

React fundamentals

Component in depth

Understanding Virtual DOM and diffing

Context API

Learn to build dynamic form component using JSON.

Customizing components using props

Learn to add drag and drop feature without using third party library.

Bind data to a table layout

Searching on any columns

Pagination, with custom pagination view

Drag and reorder table columns

In-place editing

Custom cell renderer

Attach the dynamic form to the DataTable.

React Common Patterns

State Management etc. (Work in Progress)

Code your own mini version of React like library from scratch.

Planned overall agenda for the course:

Section 1 -
Fundamentals of React

  • Introduction

  • Fundamentals of React

  • JSX in depth

  • Component based design

  • Fragment

  • Functional Component

  • Stateful Component

  • Event Handling

  • Conditional

  • State Management

  • Life Cycle

  • Error Handling

Section 2-
Advanced React

  • Type checking with PropTypes

  • Refs and the DOM

  • UnControlled Components

  • Higher Order Components (HOC)

  • Render Props

  • Performance Optimization

  • Context API

  • Portals

  • Integrating with other JavaScript

Section 3-Building a simple CRUD app with React
Section 4-New React Features
Section 5-Context API Demo
Section 6-Building a simple Modal Component
Section 7-Building a Tagging Component
Section 8-Building a Calendar Component
Section 9-Building a DataTable Component
Section 10-React Drag and Drop Tutorial
Section 11- Code your own ReactJS to understand the internals (basic version).

We will minimize the use of third party libraries/frameworks and will only include them when absolutely required.

This course will be updated with more advanced features and all the subscribers will have free access to all the updates.

This is an ?early release and the coding is kept simple for majority of the people to understand without adding any complicated topics or design.

But as this is a live course, further updates will include changes related to design, architecture, performance and better practices.

This course will be part of the Full Stack Engineering Open Source Curriculum and publishing on Udemy will kind of support the development of this.

NOTE: ? Most of the components developed in this training, is kept simple so that even a beginner could understand. To make it work in production scenarios, this has to be thoroughly tested and adapted as needed. I will keep on updating the content with better practices once the core course is completed.

Enjoy Programming!!

(Everyone can code!)

Updated on 14 November, 2018
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