Course details

Target Audience:

National accounts compilers.


Participants should have a degree in economics, statistics, or the equivalent experience.


The course is conducted in English with simultaneous interpretation into Arabic.

Course Description:

This two-week course, presented by the IMF’s Statistics Department, aims to provide a thorough understanding of concepts, sources of data,  nd compilation techniques for producing quarterly national accounts statistics. The course is based on the IMF’s Quarterly National Accounts  anual and is oriented toward national accounts compilers from countries that are developing or planning to develop quarterly national  ccounts (QNA). The course covers both theoretical and practical issues in the compilation of QNA. It covers the following main topics: •  cope and role of QNA; 

  •  data sources for compiling quarterly GDP estimates (mainly from production and expenditure
  • approaches);
  •  benchmarking techniques for combining quarterly indicators with the annual estimates;
  •  seasonal adjustment;
  •  price and volume measures;
  •  chain-linking techniques for compiling QNA time series;
  •  other specific QNA issues; and,
  •  revision policy and dissemination practices.
  • The course is delivered through lectures, workshops, and small group discussions.
Updated on 08 November, 2015

About Center for Economics and Finance

The mission of the IMF-Middle East We_They is to strengthen the economic management in Arab League Member Countries by delivering an integrated curriculum of training courses and seminars that address the key skill sets needed to support this goal. In particular, the training aims to improve the ability of officials of these countries to analyze economic conditions, diagnose problems, and design and implement appropriate policies.

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