Course details

The course is designed to provide learners with an introduction to the nursing profession, the role of the nurse in the health service and within the multi-disciplinary team. It also gives great insight into the work of a nurse, the disciplines and specialities that are on offer and the importance of nursing ethics and etiquette in various caresituations. This is a lovely module for those inpiduals who are working within various healthcare environments where nurse professionals may be their line managers so they can understand the role and responsibilities of the nurse. Equally it is an important module to consider if an inpidual was thinking about a career in nursing and applying for or transferring to a nursing degree programme in the future.

Entry Level & Special Requirements

QQI Level 4 Certificate, Leaving Certificate or equivalent qualifications and/or relevant life and work experiences.


Learners who wish to achieve this QQI Level 5 Module or Component Certificate must complete an examination (50%) consisting of 10 short answer questions (20%) and 3 structured questions (30%). In addition there are 5 skills demonstrations required (50%).

Course Content

This Module is not grouped into units but instead covers a range of specific learning outcomes which covers the history and development of nursing, the structure and function of the health care service in Ireland, models of care, basic nursing skills, common nursing/medical terminology and outlines the various specialities in nursing.

Updated on 08 November, 2015

About Carers Association

The Carers Association is Ireland's national voluntary organisation for and of family carers in the home. Family carers provide high levels of care to a range of people including frail older people, people with severe disabilities, the terminally ill and children with special needs.

The Association was established in 1987 to lobby and advocate on behalf of carers. While the government has begun to initiate some services for carers, we believe that the vast majority of Ireland's family carers still remain without vital services. These services, such as in-home respite, are essential to family carers. They allows us to continue in our roles as family carers, thus implementing government policy to care for people in their own homes for as long as possible.

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