Course details
The objective of this course is to enable prospective and incumbent MOU OIMs to practice and implement the actions and procedures required to safely manage a MOU under operating conditions using a purpose built simulator. The simulator has been built to represent a Jack-up Drilling MOU and can be programmed to represent a variety of operational and emergency situations e.g. in transit, ballasting, positioning, jacking and loss of control situations, for a mobile offshore bottom bearing, self elevated unit (Jack-up Rig). The course leads to assessment of competence to the standard required for the issuance of the LISCR Certificate of Competency for OIM of an MOU.
Course Content
The syllabus covers:
- Stability and Construction
- Transit Operations
- Safe working practices
- Meteorology
- Personnel Transfers
- Pollution prevention and control
- Emergency Procedures and Safety Equipment
- Station-keeping, mooring and dynamic positioning
- Handling and Storage of supplies, including dangerous goods
- Regulatory and Certification requirements
- Industrial operations as they relate to maritime, including appreciation of their interrelationship between marine operations and specific industrial activities
Certification (Approvals)
Liberian International Ship & Corporate Registry (LISCR). The Republic of Panama - Panama Marine Survey & Certification Services Inc
- Identification card, Passport or Seaman’s Discharge Book
- Medical Fitness Certificate
- Hold a valid and current certificate for each of the following courses : Basic Safety Training, Radar Observer, Medical First Aid, Advanced Firefighting, Proficiency in Survival Craft and Rescue Boats Operations other than Fast Rescue Boat
- Four years of service aboard a MOU including at least one year of service in the position of Toolpusher, Assistant Toolpusher, Barge Supervisor, Mechanical Supervisor, Driller, Assistant Driller
- Hold a Bachelor of Science degree from a recognised school of technology have one year of service on a MOU in the position of Toolpusher, Assistant Toolpusher, Barge Supervisor, Mechanical Supervisor, Driller, Assistant Driller, or Master Mariner and have one years experience on a MOU in the position of Ballast Control Operator.
- Credit will be given for previously achieved competence in Managing Major Emergencies, Ballast Control, Handling Dangerous Goods, Marine Competency as Master or Mate, Meteorology from a recognised issuing body. Evidence of any relevant competencies must be produced before assessment starts so that they may be verified.
Preparation Reading
- IMO Resolution A.891(21) Recommendations on Training of Personnel on Mobile Offshore Units
- Nordic Operating and Emergency Response Manual (Supplied by QISC)
- International Health Regulations issued by World Health Organisation (Sections applicable to MOU)
- Comprehensive Stability – University of Texas – Continuing Education (PETEX)
- SOLAS Regulations (Sections Applicable to MOUs)
- International Maritime (IMO) Dangerous Goods Code
- International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea (Sections applicable to MOU)
Course Location
About Qatar International Safety Centre
- Workplace Health and Safety Advanced Diploma London Institute of Business & ManagementQAR 84
QAR 764Duration: Upto 2 Days - Health and Social Care Level 3 Courses Distance Learning Ltd.QAR 182
QAR 364Duration: Upto 20 Hours