Course details

Course Content:

  • CG pipeline theory.
  • Asset management and organising data.
  • Linux and the shell in CG studios.
  • Virtual machines.
  • Python from zero to object oriented design and GUIs in maya.
  • Use CG maths and python to make a simple particle system.

Learning Outcomes:

You’ll learn about common practices used by studios and technical directors (TDs) for managing assets, tracking work, solving problems and keeping things consistent. Beyond the theory, we will look at how some of these concepts can be implemented using python, the scripting language of choice for pipeline development. We’ll also see how a basic understanding of the fundamental maths that is ubiquitous in computer graphics can make many unfamiliar terms you may have already come across just click! Students that have an appreciation of some of the concepts and technologies that are at the heart of CG production are arming themselves with a practical and valuable skill.

Updated on 08 November, 2015

About Animation Skillnet

Animation Skillnet is an industry led training network for the animation, games and post production sectors in Ireland. The network was established in July 2013 to address the current and future vital skills needs of these industries.

  • We run regular short and long subsidised training courses for member companies and freelancers working in the sector. These courses are and will continue to be bespoke, specialist courses designed and delivered by industry professionals to address the needs identified by industry that are communicated to us.
  • We can subsidise in-house training in any studio (for current staff or new recruits).
  • We can also help fund and organise conferences/networking events. We’ve already worked with JDIFF, Digital Biscuit, VFX Summit and Pegbar in this regard.
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