Udemy Psychology and Therapy of Addictions Certificate Udemy
Price: AED 386

    Course details

    This course 'Psychology & Therapy of Addictions Certificate' is for you if you are a person who is genuinely like to help others and particularly interested in working with people with addictions. 

    This course includes:

    • Counselling and therapy for people with addictions
    • Alcoholic parents and their children
    • How to become a 'substance misuse worker'
    • Treatments for drug addiction 
    • Co-dependency and relapse 
    • and much more!

    Easy-to-follow lessons, 3-5 min each. You can take them on the way to work on your smartphone or listen to them at home in your spare time. 

    Receive Udemy certificate of completion and start working with people who want to recover from addiction. Help them to transform their living!

    Work from home, as self-employed, or start your professional career with this course: your new career starts here.

    Updated on 22 March, 2018
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