Course details

MasterDocker with this hands-on project-based course that will help youbreakdown Docker in to simple and easy to understand steps!

Dockeris one of the best advancements in DevOps today. DevOps includesDevelopersand Operators workingtogether to create, test and deploy apps in the fastest and the mostefficient way. The processof collaboration was further simplified byvirtual machines that allowed developers to share resources and worksimultaneously on the same projects. Then came the containers andDocker.

Dockeris a brilliant containerization software andit works by helping breakdown apps and their environments into small segments that can bestored and deployed with ease. Containerization allowsbuilding multiplecontainers, which house theapp, it's environment, and its system files, towork seamlessly on one virtual machine without having to share allthe resources. This allows developersto run several applications in the same virtual machine, whereeach will behave exactly as if it has its own operation system,memory, CPU, storage and other resources.

Docker'sbest feature includes the Docker Swarm. TheDocker Swarm toolallows developersto divide theirapplicationsinto small, atomic components, each running on one or morecontainers. The Swarm engine will orchestrate load balancing, revivecrashed containers, and coordinate with other Docker hosts.

Ascomplicated as this sounds, don't worry because we've got yourback! We've designed this course to help you simplify Docker andlearn how to build your very own container using a project-basedapproach. This mean, no theory that will just simply go over you headand leave you stranded at the end of the course. This tutorial willhelp you actually getstarted and make you more confident in building your very owncontainers.

Startingat the very beginning, the course will help breakdown Docker and it'score concepts so eventhe newbies that want to learn more about Docker canget on board. From there weare going to build a blog web application using the MEAN Stack -MongoDB, ExpressJS, AngularJS and NodeJS. We will start by creating asimple Docker container on one host and then we'll move on tocreating a Docker Swarm to achieve high availability. Later on, we'llmake use of Docker Swarm to join multiple Docker hosts to thecluster. Finally, we alsohave a bonus section whereyou'll learn how to useAnsible to automate Swarm section.

So,what are you waiting for? Let's get started withbuilding your very own Docker container!

Updated on 06 March, 2018
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