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Get your project management skills certified - Avail limited period offer on PMP exam prep course at $99

Project Management Professional (PMP) ® is one of the most demanded professional certification in project management. PMP certification is offered by the reputed PMI Institute to candidates who qualify in the rigorous PMP exam. Candidates need to fulfill PMI eligibility criteria of educational qualification and professional experience before attempting the PMP exam. PMP exam is of 4 hours duration that includes 200 multiple-choice questions. PMP certification exam is based on PMBOK Guide, popularly referred as the Bible of Project Management.

Simplilearn is a PMI approved global registered education provider; our REP ID is 3147. We provide PMP certification training through classroom sessions, online training, virtual training coupled with practice tests. Simplilearn's PMP courseware is based on PMBOK Guide fifth edition. Each chapter is followed by quizzes and answers for doubt clearing. Avail PMP learning online and prepare for PMP exam from the comfort of home.

How to become PMP Certified?

Step 1: PMP Application Submission: Candidates can either submit PMP certification online or get printable application form from Once you start with the online PMP certification, you cannot cancel it. You need to complete the application form and submit it within 90 days.

Step 2: PMP Application Review Process: PMI takes 5 days to review online PMP forms, 10 days to review paper PMP forms submitted by individuals and 20 days to review paper PMP forms submitted by corporates.

Step 3: PMP Payment Process: Candidates can process the payment online using credit card, send check or money order by mail or complete a wire transfer of payment to PMI.

Step 4: PMI Audit Process: Candidates need to submit PMI audit materials including supporting documents such as diploma certificate, experience letters, contact hours certificate to PMI, once their application is accepted within 90 days. PMI takes about 5 to 7 days to complete the audit process.

Step 5: Attend the Exam: Attend PMP exam having multiple-choice questions comprised of 200 questions with 4 hours allotted time. If failed, candidates can take PMP exam up to 3 times during a year.

Step 6: PMP Certification: The name of pass candidates is displayed on the PMI website within a couple of days and the PMP certificate is delivered to you within 4 weeks' time approximately.

Step 7: Credential Maintenance: Candidates need to earn and report 60 PDUs in 3 years duration towards maintaining PMP credential.

Benefits of PMP Certification.

  1. Globally recognized professional certification
  2. Valid across industries
  3. Demonstrates PM skills to potential employers
  4. Better job opportunities
  5. Increase in salary

4 PMP Practice Tests Included

Along with this course, we also provide 4 PMP practice tests. To get access to these practice tests, write to .

Disclaimer: "PMI", "PMBOK" and "PMP ®" are registered marks of the Project Management Institute, Inc.

Updated on 30 December, 2017
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