Udemy Professional Video Editing for Internet Marketers Udemy
Price: AED 73

    Course details

    This course is all about making a professional looking video for your YouTube channel, Course Promo, Product video or any other promotional video.

    Getting the exact edit for your sales video is the key factor for selling. If done right your course or any other product can be a best seller in 24 hours, generating thousands of dollars giving you the option to take the vacation you always wanted. If done wrong, it will probably not generate any game changing financial impact.

    This course is made of 20 different videos and more then 4 hours of training.

    The videos format is an over the shoulder format, whereby I take you along with me and show you all the how to's, tips and tricks that every editor & video marketer needs to know to be able to produce Professional Marketing Videos.

    Why do I think you should get this course? the answer is simple. I'm going to show you how I edited a sales video for one of the courses we have online. i'll show you how to do everything from getting the raw video, until you have the final, edited version. you will be with me every step of the way, just like you're sitting next to me in my editing room.

    Everything I cover in the course is the direct result of experience and making mistakes.

    I will cover everything you need to know so you can start and edit your videos.

    In this course I take you hand in hand with me, its not about windows and buttons. it is about getting the whole project done. and trust me, if you don't need to know it, I wont tell you about it. Just to make the point clear - the courses I make are the courses I wish were available when I started with video editing. Check out the reviews I got on my other courses, they tell the quality of my content.

    I'm going to show you everything you need to know to be able to produce a high quality, audience engaging video that you can then use on your website or any social network to help you drive clients without working too hard.

    So, if you want to see and learn from practical, real live project, and from about 10,000 hours of experience, I suggest you get the course, sit back and enjoy the ride. see you in the course!

    Updated on 22 March, 2018
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