Udemy Problem Solving & Decision Making: Tools, Techniques &Method Udemy
Price: AED 220

    Course details

    Learn a rich Portfolio of Professional Tools and Techniques and Master effective, powerful Methods to apply them to solve your Problems from the small personal one to the Complex Business one. Examples and Case Studies are used throughout to help you achieve just that and a whole Section dedicated to Practice Activities will enable you to develop Key Skills.

    Your success will be attributed to solving problems quickly, effectively and efficiently in a logical, structured manner that you will be taught. Such problem solving will help you considerably in your decision making.

    The Tools, Techniques and Methods you will learn through the Course are often used by Professionals such as Consultants and Analysts - who are welcome to the Course to develop their skills further. However, the step-by-step approach adopted here makes the Course accessible to all and easy to use by each and everyone.

    You need to complete all the lectures - including the Practice Activities Section - to develop the full problem solving capacity the course seeks to develop. But, you do not need any prior knowledge of problem solving.

    Reach over Now, click the button and "Take the Course". You will master a set of fundamental skills that will accompany you for life: a first class investment, no doubt!

    Updated on 27 December, 2017
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