Prepare for the GED Math Test ed2go
Price: USD 69
  • Duration: Flexible

Course details

Master the skills required to pass the Mathematical Reasoning module in the GED test series. You'll start off with a review of math basics and begin building the foundation you'll need to solve the types of math problems commonly found on the test. In the process, you'll develop hands-on experience with percentages, proportions, statistics, algebra, geometry, and more. Each lesson gives you a chance to apply your knowledge by practicing with the same kind of questions you may find on the GED test. By the time you finish this course, you'll be much more comfortable with your math skills, and you'll know how, when, and why to use each math concept you learn. Important: Some GED Testing Centers require proof that you have passed a GED test preparation course or the official practice tests before you can take the official GED tests. Before enrolling in this course, please check with the official GED Testing Center where you intend to take your tests to make sure that this course will meet their requirements. As of 2014, not all states use the GED test as their test for high school equivalency diploma. *GED is a registered trademark of the American Council on Education and may not be used without permission. The GED and GED Testing Service brands are administered by GED Testing Service LLC under license. THIS WORK IS NOT AUTHORIZED, ENDORSED, OR LICENSED BY AMERICAN COUNCIL ON EDUCATION OR GED TESTING SERVICE, AND ANY REFERENCE TO "GED" IN THE TITLE OR BODY OF THIS WORK IS IN NO WAY INTENDED TO IMPLY AN AFFILIATION WITH, OR SPONSORSHIP BY, GED TESTING SERVICE OR ANY STATE OR ENTITY AUTHORIZED TO PROVIDE GED-BRANDED GOODS OR SERVICES. Course Revised February 2016 Updated on 15 March, 2018
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