Practical Sales Skills for Anyone Udemy
Price: USD 80
  • Duration: Flexible

Course details

This 'no nonsense, bare truth and nothing but the truth' sales skills course is open to anyone to take however not everyone will appreciate the insight and truth behind what makes a salesperson great! If you want to make a 'quick buck' and aren't willing to adopt new methods, value yourself or understand the full sales skills process, then look away now.

Russell is exceptionally passionate about sales and more importantly, the quality and authenticity of the process. He's seen too many great sales people falter at the very first hurdle - matching their personality, passion and ambitions with the right sales role - so naturally, that's where you'll begin. Then it's time for an interview masterclass to ensure you get the job you want and stand out from the crowd by being completely professional and
totally awesome at the same time.

Then Russell gets into the nitty-gritty of the course and covers the following key areas;

  • Building a successful sales business from scratch - identifying your target audience, future-proofing and understanding where and how to find contact information. Very importantly, he'll also cover what to do with that data and how to segment it to ensure pace and drive further sales.
  • Psychology and how it affects the sales funnel or cycle - you'll recognise the importance of offering your client or consumer the best solution to their problem through a number of key skills. Russell's lectures on this topic are powerful, heartfelt and will strike a chord with those salespeople who truly value their clients.
  • New business - save time as a startup and only work with people who are true "buyers". Learn how to find them, reach out to them and ultimately turn them into your fans through genuine rapport building and honest negotiation.
  • Repeat sales - always deliver what you promise and your repeat business will soar. Russell delves into some truly innovative ideas that will help you establish an epic fan base for your product or solution.
  • And much, more more….

In addition, you'll also be granted access to invaluable downloads that will support you throughout this journey. This is truly the only sales skills course you'll need to understand sales and get the job you've always wanted.

Updated on 22 March, 2018
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