Course details

Course Content:

  • The Normal Cervix and changes through Age
  • Basics of Cervical Cytology
  • Basics of Cervical Pathology
  • Biology of HPV
  • Role of HPV in CIN
  • Basics Principles of Colposcopy
  • Colposcopy of abnormal cervix
  • Reid Score - Swede Score - IFCPC Classification
  • Colposcopy in Difficult conditions (Pregnancy - Menopause - HIV)
  • VAIN, VIN and AIN: Classification, Diagnosis and Management
  • How to manage High grade smear
  • How to manage Low grade smear
  • CGIN and Micro-inavasive Cancer: Colposcopy and Management
  • How to set up your Colposcopy Clinic
  • Why, When and How to Treat CIN?
  • Complications and management of Complications
  • VDO on treatment/complication Management
  • Needle Cone (Only course where we teach this technique

Updated on 11 September, 2019

Eligibility / Requirements

MBBS , graduate in medical background, pharmacist


AECS offers medical training courses with CME hours to doctors from across the globe under the supervision of International faculty with hands on training.” AECS is one of the leading service providers in Medical Training”.

Our programs are certified by some of the leading regulatory organizations within the healthcare education sector. AECS is one of the first to provide professional training delivered exclusively by experienced healthcare professionals. The vision for the company is to become the leading provider of medical training. This will be achieved by a team of experienced healthcare professionals who enjoy teaching and consistently deliver enjoyable courses which are highly evaluated by our clients.

AECS is committed to provide “High quality medical training courses” with CME credit hours approved by Dubai Health Authority DHA to doctors, physicians, cosmetologists, gynecologists, obstetricians, sonographers, radiologists, urologists, plastic surgeons, dermatologists etc. Our certificate programs are endorsed by worlds leading universities and societies. We offer hands on training in our practical skilled workshops under the supervision of International faculty. We aspire to be known for excellence, we believe that real outcomes are determined by the satisfaction of our delegates.

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