Udemy Posturecise - How To Create A Healthy Posture Habit For Life Udemy
Price: AED 466

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    LATEST: Posturecise was updated (new lecture added) on November 23th, 2014



    "Posturecise has helped me release my upper back tension in a short time. It was amazing to see how a few simple, well structured and targeted exercises could make such a difference so quickly." Sabrina Colvin Sterling

    "I've been looking for an easy to learn system for improving posture for a long time. And now I have found it." David Ed Wilkes

    "Ive had posture problems for a long while now and much as I have struggled to correct it, I just havent found the consistent technique that you taught here. Poor posture always left me feeling tired constantly and just doing a bit of your course helped boost my energy. I will endeavor to follow your 21 Day Challenge. Thanks again!" Abrl Pglng

    "As a desk worker I am always worried about my posture and health; and as a tall guy it is even trickier. Lots of fun exercises in here and already I can feel my spine loosening and dare I say it - I seem to be getting taller!" Tim Rudkins


    In the early 90s, frustrated by years of pill-popping and chronic daily headaches, I took myself to a chiropractor. I was so amazed with the results, that I moved to the UK (from Toronto) to study Chiropractic.

    Several years after qualifying, I was horrified by a picture of myself. I had developed horrible forward head posture - I was embarrassed to be a healthcare professional with bad posture. I become obsessed with how to improve my posture. I spent years studying x-rays and trying new products and exercises. I later qualified with a fellowship in the physics of posture correction. I fell in love with posture!

    Posturecise is the result of nearly 20 years of personal and clinical experience correcting my own posture and helping other people regain their posture confidence!

    The 21 Posturecise movements in this course were designed to target your whole body and are safe and gentle enough to do every day.

    Every single technique which I reveal in this course is easy to put into place in minutes - and can give you instant results:

    • increased spinal flexibility
    • boosted energy levels
    • fewer aches and pains
    • improved body image
    • renewed confidence

    While most exercise programs are rigorous, this course is so humane and realistic that many of the 21 Posturecise movements can be done while watching TV, sitting at your office desk or even in your car, waiting for the light to change!

    As I test even more exercises and techniques, those that are successful are added to the course - at no extra cost to you! This is a course that will continue to grow and grow.

    As well as the Udemy 30 day guarantee, you have my personal promise that you will be wowed and delighted by what you'll learn in our time together. I keep it simple, because I don't believe that exercise needs to hurt to work! In fact, there is plenty of research to show that pounding your body is the quickest way to wear out your joints and permanently alter your posture.

    What this course is not:

    A bust your gut boot-camp for fitness slaves that feel the need to pound their bodies and sweat profusely.

    A quick fix - I can not stress this enough. Good posture is not a quick fix and Posturecise is not a miracle cure. Good posture is a life-long commitment and one you can learn to love and enjoy!

    I will not look at your posture on this course and tell you what is wrong, as it would be reckless of me to advise you and that is beyond the scope of this course.

    I can not tell you how long it will take to correct your posture because there are many factors that contribute to your rate of healing: past injury, nutrition, emotional health, fitness levels, age etc.

    But if you want my personal experience with posture - remember I have been doing posture for almost 20 years and I have helped thousands of people improve their posture and regain confidence, then you may just love this course.

    I stress that you need no prior experience. Posturecise is gentle and safe enough for all ages and abilities.

    You'll Receive:

    1. 21 video posture tutorials
    2. 8 floor posture video tutorials (and REAL ways to target your core)
    3. 8 seated posture video tutorials (includes forward head posture)
    4. 5 standing posture video tutorials
    5. Instruction from a qualified primary health care physician (not a trainer)
    6. A 21 minute daily routine
    7. The 21 day Posturecise challenge
    8. Advise on how to deal with common barriers
    9. Warning: Posture Confidence may cause extreme attractiveness!

    Click the "take this course" button, top right, now ... every hour you delay is costing you your health ...

    Dr Paula Moore

    Updated on 08 November, 2015
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