Postgraduate IMI Diploma in Strategy & Innovation Innovation & Lean Sigma Skillnet
Price: AED 15,113

    Course details

    To be a successful manager, you must have the capacity to understand and be able to positively influence the strategy process within your business. This is particularly the case today when businesses have been faced with the most uncertain times in a generation. A critical element in any successful strategy is the capability to make innovation a key management process.

    By completing the IMI Diploma in Strategy & Innovation, you will be equipped to play a key role in developing and executing a strategy and innovation process that is very relevant both to the success of your business and to your own career and personal development. You will develop the skills that are required to lead, influence and participate in the strategic success of your business.

    On successful completion of the programme, you will be awarded both the IMI Diploma in Strategy & Innovation and the UCC Postgraduate Certificate in Strategy & Innovation. You will also earn onethird of the credits required to be awarded the Master of Business qualification.

    Certification: IMI Diploma in Strategy & Innovation plus UCC Postgraduate Certificate (NFQ Level 9)

    Updated on 08 November, 2015
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