Course details
This programme will appeal to any Graduates with an interest in psychology. It will also act as a bridging gap to those who want to continue on to the competitive Higher Diploma in Psychology courses available in Irish Universities such as UCD, Trinity and UCC. Our Head of Psychology, Dr. Derek Dorris has designed a Level 8 course which teaches a contemporary theoretical and applied approach to Psychology. Where possible, conceptual and practical links will be established between… + Read More
Course details
This programme will appeal to any Graduates with an interest in psychology. It will also act as a bridging gap to those who want to continue on to the competitive Higher Diploma in Psychology courses available in Irish Universities such as UCD, Trinity and UCC. Our Head of Psychology, Dr. Derek Dorris has designed a Level 8 course which teaches a contemporary theoretical and applied approach to Psychology. Where possible, conceptual and practical links will be established between our psychology content and content typical to non-psychology subjects so that students will be allowed to build on what they already know rather than beginning from scratch. In addition to these broader goals, our most important concern when providing third level education in psychology is with offering a cutting edge programme that captures and imparts a modern understanding of psychology.
We aim to provide a series of modules which individually reflect the natural relationship between theory and practice and when taken together give one a comprehensive sense of how the core areas of psychology work together. If students are not concerned with developing as broad a knowledge base as the entire certificate course provides, they are free to complete any of the modules individually. On their own, the modules will give students a fairly rounded understanding of psychology because of the way in which we have decided to teach them. However, taken together they will give students a full and comprehensive introduction to psychology that will allow for immediate adaptation to the first year in a Higher Diploma course.
Our programme provides students with an education in psychology that strikes a healthy balance between theoretical and applied issues. One that gives the students a realistic notion of how the mind works in the real world, and more generally one that is defined by our commitment to excellence.
Assessment:Each course module is assessed separately by:
- Written Examination
- Continuous Assessment
- Tutorial Performance
- Group Presentation
Updated on 08 November, 2015 - Read LessAbout PCI College
This was a time when mental health was not on the political, media or public agenda in Ireland. Liam and Josephine believed passionately in both personal development and high academic standards, both of which they combined with the foundation of the Personal Counselling Institute. The ground-breaking work pioneered by both Liam and Josephine helped begin the process to allow the counselling/psychotherapy profession to be seen on an equal footing with any other helping profession.
PCI College was set up with the intention of providing students with a broad education in counselling and psychotherapy and in 2001 the college became a Collaborative College of Middlesex University. Their programmes are characterised by an integrative, person-centred, approach to counselling & psychotherapy training. Through their extensive training, students are introduced to all the main theorists, as Theyll as being afforded the opportunity to delve into important topics such as Abnormal Psychology, Loss & Grief, Substance Addictions, to name but a few. This expansive breadth of training, in conjunction with, the provision of high quality, user-friendly teaching, is one of the key factors that each year continues to attract many students to join the growing PCI College family of qualified counsellors, psychotherapists and psychologists.
With over 20 years of experience, PCI College continue with Their founders pioneering work by embracing the continued raising of academic standards in the context of proposed professional regulation, while still making training as accessible as possible; by continuing to set a high standard of personal development in training; by raising awareness around the huge range of issues that people still struggle with in this country - depression, anxiety, suicide, addictions, relationship difficulties, etc; and by promoting an integrative approach within Their field, and with Their fellow professionals.
PCI College is a leading provider of third level educational and continuing professional development cTheirses in the fields of Counselling and Psychotherapy, Psychology and Personal & Professional Development in mental health and Theyllbeing. As a college, They are committed to the provision of expert training and education in the mental health and Theyllbeing field, in the private education sector and tailor-made training to specialist groups, with centres of excellence in Dublin & Cork.
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