PMI-ACP Exam Prep Practice Test-Agile Certified Udemy
Price: USD 30
  • Duration: Flexible

Course details

ACP is an acronym of Agile Certified Practitioner. This certification is provided by Project Management Institute PMI and hence it is PMI-ACP. ACP Certification carries a high level of professional integrity as it is a combination of agile training working on Agile projects and examining Agile fundamentals and tools. This certification is universally recognized and aids people in addressing the needs of associations that depend on certified Agile practitioners to apply their diversified skills to undertake the projects in an efficient manner.

Total 150+ Questions, answers with Explanations

Sample Questions:

Questions: A teammate doesn't finish their work, because they had to help out on another project. Which of the categories of Waste, does this fall into?

A.Partially done work


C.Task Switching

D. Extra Processes

Answer:  C.

Explanation : Being assigned to different projects is an example of task switching, which creates waste.

Updated on 27 May, 2018
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