Course details
PLSPath Modeling with the Desktop PLS-GUI Application is a course that both teaches about the practice of variance-based structural equation modeling (SEM), sometimes referred to as PLS Path Modeling, and is a course that provides a beta application, the desktop PLS-GUI, to do so. The PLS-GUI application was developedusingthe visual RGtk2 programming language in R software. RGtk2 is the R-based GUI language extensionderived from the publicGTK+ (GIMPTool Kit) language.
The PLS-GUI… + Read More
Course details
PLSPath Modeling with the Desktop PLS-GUI Application is a course that both teaches about the practice of variance-based structural equation modeling (SEM), sometimes referred to as PLS Path Modeling, and is a course that provides a beta application, the desktop PLS-GUI, to do so. The PLS-GUI application was developedusingthe visual RGtk2 programming language in R software. RGtk2 is the R-based GUI language extensionderived from the publicGTK+ (GIMPTool Kit) language.
The PLS-GUI desktop application was jointly developed by Dr. Geoffrey Hubona and Dean Lim, both of whom are co-instructors of this course.
Course participants are encouraged to use the included PLS-GUI desktop application with their own data and PLS model files. Pleasenote that this was a beta version application which is no longer directly supported by our staff. So, while we are limited in our ability toprovide fixes or solutions to use-relatedissues which may arise installing orusing the application, we are happy to answer any and all questions relevant to the course content per se.
We include three beta versions of the desktop PLS-GUI application: one from March 2014;another from September 2014;and the last version dated December 2014. However, the video lessons in this course are specific to the March 2014 PLS-GUI application version only.
It is advantageous to know something about PLSpath modeling before you take this course. If you are brand new to PLSpath modeling, you might also considerenrolling in the free Udemy course Conceptual Foundations of PLSPath Modeling.
We include all of the materials seen in the course videos: data files and PLS model and project files. If you note any materials that aremissing please bring it to our attention.
Anyone who is involved with PLSpath modeling would benefit, learn something new, by taking this course. This includes graduate students, faculty, and other practitioners who deal with variance-based SEM tools for a living.
Updated on 11 March, 2020 - Read Less