Course details

A sales/ Pitch Book created by an investment bank/firm that details the main attributes of the firm. The pitch book is used by the firm's sales force to aid it with selling products and issues, and generating new clients. We will be covering the following modules in this course: -The course starts with Learning of Introduction to Pitch Book -Frequently Used Exhibits like Share Price graphs, Broker Summary, Industry Analysis. -Understand the Investment Banking Credentials, Valuation Summary. -It is a highly practical course that will lead quickly from the basics through to the more advanced Case Study based learning like We had taken up two examples of Solvey and Bayer. -Insights to Advanced Computations for Pitch Book Preparations, Calculating Market Rate for CAPM Model. -Learn complex Benchmark Analysis by identifying and utilizing key business drivers and integrating them into a model.

Updated on 30 December, 2017

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