Phar macy Technician Drogheda Institute of Further Education
Price: AED 3,779

    Course details

    The course is aimed at those already work­ing in a com­mu­nity phar­macy as an OTC Assis­tant and who wish to qual­ify as a dis­pens­ing tech­ni­cian on a day release basis.

    Course Con­tent:

    The City and Guilds syl­labi for both the Level 3 Diploma in Phar­macy Ser­vices Skills and the Diploma in Phar­ma­ceu­ti­cal Sci­ence will be fol­lowed. Con­tin­u­ous assess­ment is used for the Phar­macy Ser­vices Skills. Stu­dents will sit the City & Guilds exam­i­na­tion in Phar­ma­ceu­ti­cal Sci­ence at the end of each mod­ule. The Level 3 Diploma in Phar­macy Ser­vices Skills and the Diploma in Phar­ma­ceu­ti­cal Sci­ence entails atten­dance for one full day per week over a period. This entails being released from your work in a Pharmacy.

    Entry Require­ments:

    Appli­ca­tions are invited from those who have com­pleted the City & Guilds Level 2 Cer­tifi­cate in Phamacy Ser­vices Skills. Appli­cants who have a min­i­mum of work expe­ri­ence in a phar­macy are also eli­gi­ble to apply. All appli­cants will be interviewed.

    Career Prospects:

    Phar­macy or Dis­pens­ing Tech­ni­cians can expect to find employ­ment in com­mu­nity and hos­pi­tal phar­ma­cies. This qual­i­fi­ca­tion is recog­nised in both Ire­land and the UK

    Updated on 08 November, 2015
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