Udemy Personal Finance Mastery: The 6-Phase Personal Finance Plan Udemy
Price: AED 735
  • Duration: Flexible

Course details

Student Review: 'Amazing course. Not only it explains the basic theory behind personal finance, but it makes its implementation very straight forward. It also cover the psychological aspects of the way we deal with money in our lives. I've done other personal finance courses and, so far, this is the best and broadest.' - Flavio Barretto


--->In this course I won't share anything about 'getting rich quick' - because that's not the way money works.

--->I will, however, share a proven, reliable system to create direct stability and clarity in your personal finances - which will enable you to automatically save more money and kick-start your financial growth.

There was a time in my life whenI couldn't pay back a loan to a friend..

I was craving for my paycheck to come in so that I could pay him back..

I was bankrupt...

I was stressed out of my mind, with my mental and physical health suffering from it.

From that point onwards I decided enough wasenough.. And Iwent on a path to create financial abundance for myself.

I readevery book, followed everycourse and went to everyseminar Icould find about money, investing and personal finance. And the results started to show almost immediately.

The 'Personal Finance Mastery'course is the summaryof that journey -Here, I'll share my 6-Phase Financial Plan so that you can create financial stability, growth and eventually abundance for yourself - starting today.


Imagineyou no longer hadto stress about money..

Imagine thatyou have a system through which you always have a clear view on your finances, where you have enough money availablefor the things you find important - and where you automatically save more money than you've ever done so...

How would your life look like?

I bet that money-stress wouldn't be a part of it anymore.


In Personal Finance Mastery, I'll guide you through the 6-Phase Personal Finance Plan where we:

  • Look at the must-haveMindset Fundamentals if you want to improve your financial situation and have less stress about money.

  • Set up a 'Bucket Allocation System'through which you'll save automatically for specific money goals, resulting in financial stability & clarity.

  • Update your 'Financial IQ' (aka your financial knowledge), so that you'll know everything about money, investing and personal finance - which you can also confidently share with your loved ones.

  • Go over the 'Money Growth System' where we'll look at the 7 ways to invest your money safely, yet profitably.

  • Look at the Financial'Hack' of the Wealthy:Creatingsystems through which we can let our money work for us, instead of us working for money all the time.

All in all, you'll walk away with a fully operating Personal Finance system, gaining you:

  • Financial Stability and Clarity

  • No more money stress

  • More possibilities, adventure and experiencesin life

  • No more limitationsdue to a lack of money


This course is for you if you are determined to improve your financial situation, if you want to create financial security and stability for yourself,if you've had enough of the limitations caused by a lack of money, if you don't have enough money at the end of each month - and if you want to create a life of freedom, moreopportunities and long-lasting wealth for you and your entire family.


Furthermore, you'll learn a ton of other financiallessons, tactics and tools such as:

  • The Bucket Allocation System To Automatically Save More, Reduce Money Stress and Give Structure To Your Finances

  • Learn The Top Money 'Hacks' Used By The Wealthy

  • The Millionaire Secret: Multiple Streams of Income

  • How Modern Day Society May Have Put You In The 'Rat Race'

  • The Cash Flow Pattern To Avoid At ALL COSTS

  • Why Liabilities Bring 99% of People Down (Financially)

  • Why Acquiring Assets Will Set You Free (Financially)

  • Learn All About the 7 Asset Types To Make Your Money Work For You

  • Master The Top 4 Strategies To Earn More Money

  • The 2 Universal Emotions That Control Your Financial Situation

  • Why Creating A Money Vision Is A MUST To Reach Your Money Goals

  • Learn The Top 3 Misconceptions About Money, Wealth and Personal Finances

  • Find Out If You Suffer From The 'Latte' Factor

  • The 3 Personal Financial Statements To Structure Your Finances

  • The Balance Sheet: How Financial Healthy Are You?

  • The Personal Cash Flow Systems to Create Financial Freedom

  • How Affirmations and Visualizations can 'Brainwash' You Into Wealth

  • How To Use NET Time To Your Advantage

  • The Weird Truth About Staying Broke

  • Why Inflation Is The Silent Killer Of Your Finances

  • Why You Can Never Save Your Way To Riches

  • The #1 Biggest Personal Finance Trap To Avoid

  • The 'Hack' of the Wealthy: The Power of Compound Interest

  • Why A 'Money Mastermind' Is The Key To Build Wealth

  • Why Keeping It SIMPLE Is The Best Way To Improve Your Personal Finances

  • How ToBuild Long-Lasting Wealth for You and Your Family

  • How To Start Investing (ForBeginners)

  • 1 File For Your ENTIREOverview of Your Personal Finances - Which I Use For Years Now(Automated Spreadsheet)

And much, much more...


Ican't wait to share my 6-Phase Financial Planwith you!

Are you ready to massively improveyour financial situation for the rest of your life?Then I'll see you on the inside of the Personal Finance Mastery course!

Kind regards,

Jari Roomer

Investor, Entrepreneur and Bestselling Udemy Instructor


Student Review: What a great course! Personal finance is what should be thought at schools. The course follows very clear curriculum, the explanations are well done, it's straight to the point and it includes lots of real life tips. This is a third course of Jari I follow on Udemy and it's a third course I truly come back to and apply in my real life. Well done, Jari!! :) - Katerina Langerova

Updated on 14 November, 2018
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