Course details
Update 1 [Oct 242016]: New Video Lecture :Intrusion Detection System (IDS) EvasionwhileShellshock Exploit.
Update 2[Nov 152016]:New Article :Wireshark Analysisfor theExploit Packetwhile IDS Evasion.
Update 3[Dec19 2016]:New Article : Fix done by the vendor fortheIDS Evasion whileShellshock exploit.
Update 4[Nov 152016]: New Video Lecture: Open Source IDS SNORT detectingthe Bash Shellshock exploit. & brief explanation to theSNORT custom rule.
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Course details
Update 1 [Oct 242016]: New Video Lecture :Intrusion Detection System (IDS) EvasionwhileShellshock Exploit.
Update 2[Nov 152016]:New Article :Wireshark Analysisfor theExploit Packetwhile IDS Evasion.
Update 3[Dec19 2016]:New Article : Fix done by the vendor fortheIDS Evasion whileShellshock exploit.
Update 4[Nov 152016]: New Video Lecture: Open Source IDS SNORT detectingthe Bash Shellshock exploit. & brief explanation to theSNORT custom rule.
This course will teach you to how to perform Penetration Testing / Hacking using Metasploit, the world most popular and powerful exploitingframework.
Also we'll check and analyze the events of the Intrusion Detection System (IDS)in case we areconductingexploit sessions and the reconnaissance scans.
The course will teach you step-by-step how to gather information, exploit, control your target/victim andclear your traces.
The course material is presented in a practical Real-lifedemos that will let you have hands-on the principles and techniques that will assist you to be a successful security professional, penetration-tester or any other career path related to the IT Security.
By the end of this course youll be able to perform NetworkSecurity Audits / Penetration Testing efficiently usingMetasploit Framework.
This course will develop and empower your Information Security knowledge and thus will take your career path to a higher step.
Why this course is Special ?!
- There is some lectures where i present the IDS (Intrusion Detection System) events capturingthe attacksand malware infectionsconducted in the presented demos.
- 95% of the Course Content is practical Real-life scenario demos.
- The Course is updated from time-to-time with new videos and lessons.
After enrolling now you'll have a lifetime access to the current published lecturesand the future one also.
Coming Soon Lectures :
- Intrusion Detection System (IDS) Evasion while Shellshock Exploit. (Done -Oct 242016)
- Wireshark Analysis for theExploit Packet while IDS Evasion.(Done - Nov 152016)
- Fixdone by thevendorfortheIDS EvasionwhileShellshockexploit(Done - Dec19 2016)
- Open Source IDS SNORTdetectingBash Shellshock exploit&brief explanation to theSNORT custom rule(Done -May 29,2017)
- WannaCry Ransomwarein lab tests -McAfee IPS &SNORT IDS detection.
- OpenVAS integration with Metasploit
- Intro to IDS/IPS - detection mechanisms,deployment modes...etc
- SNORT custom rules - detailed explanations
Updated on 14 November, 2018 - Read Less