- Duration / Course length: Upto 2 Hours Start now
- Accredited by: CPD Group
- Certificates:
- Course delivery: This course is delivered in video format
Course details
Course OverviewThe Setting up Pet Sitting Business course is the ultimate training program, designed to enlighten learners with the knowledge they need to take care of their Animals. Walking you through the basics to more specialist topics covers everything you need to know for the wellbeing of your pet, grow your pet or Animal Care business, and much more.
Discover tips and guidance that will steer you towards excellence, with five expertly crafted modules… + Read More
Eligibility / Requirements
Our Setting up Pet Sitting Business does not require any pre-knowledge to pursue the Setting up Pet Sitting Business course. And it is compatible with any kind of device. You will get the same experience in learning whether you are using Windows, Mac, a smartphone, or a tablet. You can access the Setting up Pet Sitting Business course materials with any kind of connection, from anywhere, without any limitation!
Job roles this course is suitable for:
Dog Walking/Pet Sitting , Pet Business , Pet Trainer , Study Start-Up Specialist , Start Up Lead , Setting up Pet Sitting Business , Pet Sitting BusinessAbout The Animal Care
The leading learning platform for animal lovers worldwide.
Our extensive library of accredited courses covers a range of topics, like- veterinary training, pet training, grooming, first aid, nutrition and equine behaviour. Whether you want to fast track your career as a qualified veterinary assistant or need expert guidance on how to care for your exotic fish, we’ve got the perfect program for you.
Our Mission
We are dedicated to educating animal lovers across the world, training a community of like-minded learners to provide the best care for their two and four-legged friends. We know how rewarding working with animals can be, and our flexible training courses will provide you with the fundamental skills, knowledge and expertise to kickstart your career.
Our Vision
After completing our courses, our learners receive a certificate that is recognised in the UK and internationally. The certification proves that our learners have successfully completed our course and have gained the knowledge to work in the relevant sector. We love animals and want to create a better world where all animals are cared for and loved. We work towards creating a future where people know how to take care of animals and their beloved pets.