Certified Sales and Marketing Professional ProCloud Training Center
Price: SAR 1,988
Instructor led live virtual classroom online. Classes may be individual or in group.

    Course details

    This program guarantees measured improvement in different levels of your sales activities. You will be Exposed to many enlightening tools that are unmatched in the measured results they will produce for you and your Organization.

    This is a completely interactive program and therefore you are requested to be open-minded, sharing. Your ideas and experiences, asking questions, and hence being a hundred percent participative. 

    Course Topics: 

    • The concept of market
    • Definition of sales
    • SWOT
    • Macro-environment
    • Hierarchy of marketing & business planning stages
    • Buyer Behaviour
    • Personal Selling
    • Salesforce management
    • Buying centers
    • Segments, Targets & Positioning
    • Dealing with competition
    • Case Study

    To understand the current market and its dynamics

    To get and understanding of the concepts of marketing and sales that will enhance knowledge and Growth of the individual

    To acquaint and equip the participant with the various marketing tools.

    Updated on 18 August, 2021

    Eligibility / Requirements

    A penchant for Sales would be the basic qualifications required for any salesperson, let it be a product, or is not conning but meeting the expectations of the customer.Anyone who is effectively communicative could do this knowledge of English is required.Men and Women could be sales in today's world, men and women are required in hundreds of for online sales, this certification program would be a boost.Graduation at the school level would be the minimum criteria but a college degree would add weightage in the job market, as all know.Any qualified person in Sales& Marketing should land a job fairly easily at any part of the World.

    About ProCloud Training Center

    Procloud Training Center 

    More than a Training Provider.. Strategical Partner for Unlimited Potential. 
    Procloud delivers professional Courses in different sectors including

    • IT, Security, Networking, Mobile Application, Web Design, Ethical Hacking
    • Management, Sales and Marketing, customer Services and Languages.

    Our goal is to lead our students through their career path, open for them new opportunitiies for development and ensure the effective use of new technologies

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