Professionalism in ECE AIM Middle East Consulting
Price: QAR 196
Instructor led live virtual classroom online. Classes may be individual or in group.

    Course details

    This workshop identifies areas that constitute professionalism in an early childhood environment and establishes the boundaries of professionalism, which are critical to the wellbeing of each child.
    The session includes  areas relevant to early childhood  educators such as Qualifications, Knowledge and Competence;  Characteristics  of Professionalism and  Developmentally Appropriate Practice.
      Updated on 14 February, 2021

    Eligibility / Requirements

    - Minimum 18 yeras of age
    - Proficiency in English language
    - Working experience of early years education environments

    Course Location

    About AIM Middle East Consulting

    AIM Middle East is an educational consulting and training organization providing contemporary, pedagogical, and research based educational services, since 2013. The company is based in Dubai and services the MENA region. The journey started with the vision to providing quality early childhood education, for all. This vision led to an alliance with IPC (International Preschool Curriculum); a leading early childhood organization, based in Florida, USA. The IPC Early Childhood Educator Qualification Programs provide educators with a contemporary, holistic and internationally recognized qualification for a successful career in ECCE.

    Today, AIM Middle East’s services include early years qualifications, teaching enrichment  and educational solutions for institutions from K to 12.

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