StudyPlex Animation Designer Diploma StudyPlex
  • Duration / Course length: Upto 3 Hours Start now
  • Accredited by: IPHMCPD Certification Service
  • Certificates:
  • Course delivery: This course is delivered in video format

Course details

Learn up-to-date skills | CPD UK & IPHM Accredited | Recognised Certificate | MCQ Based Exam & Tutor Support | Interactive Video Training | Instant Result | Lifetime Access

This course is accredited by the CPD UK. CPD is globally recognised by employers, professional organisations and academic intuitions, thus a certificate from CPD Certification Service creates value towards your professional goal and achievement. CPD certified certificates are accepted by+ Read More

Eligibility / Requirements


  • The course is open to students of all academic backgrounds aiming to enhance their skills.
  • At Study Plex, we invite everyone to learn. This course is open to anyone aged 16 and over.
  • If you have a basic grasp of English, numeracy and ICT, you will be eligible to enrol.

Job roles this course is suitable for:

Graphic Designer , Senior Graphic Designer , Design Manager

About StudyPlex

StudyPlex is one of the fastest growing online course providers in the UK with a wide range of courses that are prepared by industry experts. Our team is focused on providing a range of learning and development opportunities, to entertain and educate our learner base through the use of modern learning technology and providing a valuable and trusted certification.

191 students have enrolled with StudyPlex through Laimoon
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Price: EUR 12
EUR 241

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Frequently Asked Questions

Will I get a certificate after taking the program?

Upon successful completion of the course and final exam, you will receive an E-certificate through the academy platform. In addition, you will be able to order an Accredited Certificate (PDF or Hard copy) at an additional cost.

How are these online courses delivered?

These courses are self-paced (unless stated on the course details otherwise), that can be taken anywhere, at your own schedule.

What does the money back guarantee mean?

With a goal of giving users a worry-free and secure enrollment experience, Laimoon offers money back guarantee - where enrollees can request for a full refund on their transaction, within the next 7 days after their payment confirmation.

Why should I buy the course from Laimoon?
Four good reasons:
  1. We guarantee you a cheaper course price than anywhere else.
  2. Buy with peace of mind; No questions asked money-back guarantee!
  3. Dedicated customer support serving hundreds of users every day!
  4. You will get further discounts when you buy more courses through Laimoon.
What alternative payment options you have?

For various payment option available visit all payment options page

What is the Refund & Cancellation policy?

Please read our Refund & Cancellation policy here

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Frequently Asked Questions

Will I get a certificate after taking the program?

Upon successful completion of the course and final exam, you will receive an E-certificate through the academy platform. In addition, you will be able to order an Accredited Certificate (PDF or Hard copy) at an additional cost.

How are these online courses delivered?

These courses are self-paced (unless stated on the course details otherwise), that can be taken anywhere, at your own schedule.

What does the money back guarantee mean?

With a goal of giving users a worry-free and secure enrollment experience, Laimoon offers money back guarantee - where enrollees can request for a full refund on their transaction, within the next 7 days after their payment confirmation.

Why should I buy the course from Laimoon?
Four good reasons:
  1. We guarantee you a cheaper course price than anywhere else.
  2. Buy with peace of mind; No questions asked money-back guarantee!
  3. Dedicated customer support serving hundreds of users every day!
  4. You will get further discounts when you buy more courses through Laimoon.
What alternative payment options you have?

For various payment option available visit all payment options page

What is the Refund & Cancellation policy?

Please read our Refund & Cancellation policy here