- Location: Cairo Governorate - Cairo
- Duration: 5 Days
- Timings: Weekday morning classes
Course details
Advanced Reservoir Petrophysics Course
Course Outlines
The first day
- Introduction to Petrophysics
- What is Petrophysics?
- What are the Rock Physical properties?
- Petrophysics as a key-discipline in integrated reservoir analysis
- Petrophysical properties of reservoir rock
- Reservoir rocks and types
- reservoir analysis, reservoir models
- Porosity
- permeability
- relative permeability
- Capillary pressure
- water saturation
- fluid contacts
- Introduction to Well Logging
- What is Well Logging?
- Fundamentals of well logging
- Introduction to Open-Hole Logging
- The borehole and its environment
- Open hole and cased hole logging
- Logging Tools Operation
- Log Quality Control
- Quick Look Well Log Interpretation
The second day
- Acoustic methods
- Nuclear methods
- Lithology Tools: GR, NGT, SP
- Porosity Tools: BHC, FDC, CNL, APS, LDT, DSI
- Resistivity Tools: DLL, DIL, MSFL, HRLA, ARI, AIT
- Cased-Hole Logging Tools
- Other Tools:( Nuclear magnetic methods) NMR, CMR, MDT, ECS
- Geological Tools ( Imaging methods): FMS, FMI
- Thermal Decay Time (TDT, RST)
- Cement Bond (CBL-VDL)
- Production Logging (PLT)
- Other Tools: EPT
- Dipmeter, RFT
- Introduction to Logging While Drilling (LWD) and MWD techniques
The third day
- Log analysis - formation evaluation
- Fundamental problems of formation evaluation Profile
- reservoir detection Reservoir characterization
- Basic interpretation methods Vshale, porosity, water saturation Permeable zones
- Advanced interpretation methods
- Combined determination of porosity and rock composition Cross plot methods
- Shaly sand interpretation Fractured reservoirs
- Thin bed evaluation and anisotropic reservoirs Integrating the information; the reservoir model
- Saturation determination, movable fluids
- Permeability estimation
- Exercises: Calculations of GR, SP, Sonic, etc.
- Lithology interpretation
- Lithology Determination
- Lithology Model
- Lithological Parameters
- Porosity calculation
- Rw determination
- Petrophysical parameters (a, m, n)
- Archie's Parameters
- Vshale estimation
- Fluid Saturation
- Permeability prediction
- Permeability calculation
- Practical Exercises
The fourth day
- Rock Physics (from core and log)
- Porosity Types
- Permeability
- Permeability and Porosity Relationships
- Fluid Saturation
- Lithology Interpretation
- Vsh Calculation
- Rw determination methods
- Petrophysical parameters (a,m,n)
- Archie's Relationship
- Core Analysis and Core-Log Relationships
- Advanced Formation Evaluation
- Reservoir Petrophysical Model Evaluation
- Modern Approaches and Techniques in Petrophysics
- Multi-Well Bases Study Using:
- Multi-Well Data-Base
- Key Well Study
- Data Normalization
- Most Problematic Parameters
- Old Methods (Constant Value)
- New Methods (Variable Values)
The fifth day
- Introduction to Computer Processed Interpretation
- Hydrocarbon Quality
- Fluid Contacts (GOC-GWC-OWC-ODT-WUT-FWL)
- Reservoir Summations
- Practical Training Exercises on & Case Studies Including:
- Carbonate reservoir (Limestone) from Gulf area
- Clastics reservoir (Sandstone) from Egypt
- Gas tight Sandstone reservoir from Algeria
Who should attend?
- Petrophysicists , Geoscientists , Geophysicists , Engineers , Managers and Supervisors .
- Lectures, group work, case studies, and Application on Software.
Updated on 23 September, 2019
Course Location
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الفئات المستهدفة:
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مجالات التدريب:
-الادارة - الجيولوجيا والهندسة الجيولوجية
-السكرتارية - الجيوفيزياء والجيوكيمياء
-العلاقات العامة - البتروفيزيك وهندسة وكيمياء البترول
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-الموارد البشرية - التعدين
-المحاسبة والمالية والمصرفية - القيادة والاشراف
-القانون والتحكيم - المشتريات والمخازن
-الهندسة (الموانئ-مدني–معماري–كهرباء–ميكانيكا–هيدروليك)
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-الصحي والصيدلي - نفسي وتخاطب
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-الزلازل - التحاليل الطبية
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-امنية - العلوم السياسية
- الاقتصاد – التربوية
- الجمارك – الاعلام
-استشارات ( ادارية – مالية - قانونية ) - الترجمة الفورية See all ITCgroup courses
- AED 49
AED 955Duration: Upto 4 Hours - AED 49
AED 955Duration: Upto 2 Hours