Udemy Oracle Siebel Consultant Exam 1Z0-202 - Practice Test Udemy
Price: AED 73

    Course details

    Siebel Consultant Exam represents a comprehensive, technical exam designed for implementation team members involved in the installation, configuration, or administration of Siebel CRM applications. The exam topics include Siebel CRM applications architecture, functionality, and configuration. Candidates are also tested on the fundamental architectural concepts and structures of Siebel CRM applications, including data access control, data exchange mechanisms, work process, and business logic automation capabilities along with Siebel CRM application design and functionality.

    This Practice test is having two different set and each set is having 75 question and answers. You have to finish each set in 90 minutes and you have to score 80% of marks to pass each set of exam.

    Updated on 22 March, 2018
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