Oracle Database 11g: SQL Fundamentals I Professional Training Solutions Ltd
Price: AED 7,530

    Course details

    This course is a common starting point in the Oracle database curriculum for administrators, developers and business users. The objective of this course is to provide an introduction to the SQL database language within the context of an Oracle database, based upon the latest features available. This enhanced revision includes many new and expanded conceptual subjects, including:

    • A summation of relational database principles and an introduction to the Oracle relational database server.

    • Using SQL Developer and other available SQL interfaces.
    • Writing simple SQL queries which isolate exactly the data desired, and then format and sort the data as needed.
    • Writing moderately complex SQL queries using various join techniques.
    • Supplement SQL code with references to pseudo columns and system functions.
    • Summarizing, grouping and combining data to obtain more meaningful query results and to allow one to draw conclusions and make business decisions based upon the data processed.
    • Advanced query techniques such as set operations, sub-queries and summary functions, allowing one to solve some of the more complex theoretical query challenges.
    • Creating and maintaining database tables using the SQL Data Definition Language (DDL).
    • Managing data within tables using the SQL Data Manipulation Language (DML).
    • Taking advantage of the latest features found within the database such as the use of regular expressions, support for international data, time zones and other topics.
    No mandatory prerequisites exist for this course. However, one or more of the following courses are suggested prerequisites:
    Relational Databases & Sql :
    • About Relational Databases
    • Elements Of Sql
    Choosing A Sql & Pl/Sql Interface:
    • About Database Connections
    • About Bind Variables
    • Using Sql Developer
    • Using Sql*Plus
    • Using Application Express
    Building A Select Statement :
    • About The Select Statement
    • Using Alias Names
    Restricting Data With The Where Clause:
    • About Logical Operators
    • Equality Operator
    • Boolean Operators
    • Null & Between Operators
    • Is [Not] Null Operator
    • [Not] Between Operator
    • Finding Text Strings
    • [Not] Like Operator
    • Regexp_Like()
    • In Operator
    Sorting Data With The Order By Clause:
    • About The Order By Clause
    • Multiple Column Sorts
    • Specifying The Sort Sequence
    • About Null Values Within Sorts
    • Using Column Aliases
    Pseudo Columns & Functions:
    • Using Rowid
    • Using Rownum
    • Using The Functions
    • Sysdate
    • User & Uid
    • Using The Dual Table
    • Sessiontimezone Function
    Joining Tables :
    • About Joins
    • Inner Join
    • Reflexive Join
    • Non-Key Join
    • Outer Join
    Using The Set Operators:
    • About The Set Operators
    • Set Operator Examples
    Summary Functions :
    • About Summary Functions
    • Summary Functions With Distinct
    Using Sub-Queries :
    • About Sub-Queries
    • Standard Sub-Queries
    • Correlated Sub-Queries
    Aggregating Data Within Groups:
    • About Summary Groups
    • Finding Groups Within The Base Tables
    • Selecting Data From The Base Table
    • Selecting Groups From The Result Table
    Build Simple Sql*Plus Reports :
    • Format Column Output With Column
    • Defining Report Breaks With Break
    • Produce Subtotals With Compute
    Use Data Definition Language To Create & Manage Tables:
    • Create Table Statement
    • Not Null
    • Default
    • Alter Table Statement
    • Drop Table Statement
    • Supportive Statements
    • Describe
    • Rename
    Use Data Manipulation Language To Manipulate Data:
    • About The Insert Statement
    • About The Delete Statement
    • About The Update Statement
    • About Transactions
    • Rollback
    • Commit
    • Savepoint
    • Set Transaction
    • Truncate Table
    • Complex Table References
    Updated on 08 November, 2015

    About Professional Training Solutions Ltd

    Professional Training is a group of experienced specialists providing specific training and consultancy solutions, within Management Skills, I.T. systems, Human Restheirce Development, Credit Management, Sales, Finance and Engineering.
    they believe in using a combination of tailored, flexible approaches and real-life business knowledge to develop and provide techniques and solutions for immediate implementation.
    their recent projects include supporting major initiatives for clients in utilities, telecoms, manufacturing and software, covering:
    restructuring for competitiveness
    productivity improvements through updating work processes to match new technology
    managing outstheircing
    strategic financial planning and engineering
    their methodology is to:
    Work closely with clients to understand and help them prioritise their needs
    Design and deliver the best mix of training activities and consultancy to establish the competencies required
    Provide ongoing coaching to sustain the improved practices and processes
    they create relevant, targeted, enjoyable, and interactive, training sessions which are designed to improve the retention of information by participants and create a clear link from the training to the workplace. This creates a planned, visible improvement in key business indicators such as productivity, motivation, loyalty, employee retention, and ultimately, profit.
    their collaborative approach builds long-term relationships with clients. Together, they can deal effectively with the inevitable challenges all businesses face.
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