Oracle Database 11g: SQL Fundamentals 1 (exam 1Z0-051) Online IT Training Courses
Price: 149 USD
  • Duration: 12 hours

Course details

In this Oracle 11g SQL training course you will learn the basic principles of Oracle SQL for the Oracle 11g database. With Oracle SQL you will be able to request, create and manipulate data and objects from the Oracle database.

Among the topics covered are conducting a query, conversion functions, grouping, joins, data manipulation, subqueries, views, indexing, synonyms and far more.

Your result

You will have the basic knowledge to use SQL in combination with an Oracle 11g database. You will also be ready for Oracle exam 1Z0-051.

Audience profile

DBAs, administrators, database designers, developers and support engineers wanting to learn Oracle SQL. Also for those wanting to achieve one of the Oracle Database 11g Administrator certificates. Exam 1Z0-051 is part of the OCA certification.

Contents of this Oracle 11g SQL course

The Oracle Database 11g training course: SQL Fundamentals 1 comprises various lessons:

Oracle Database 11g: Using SQL to Query Your Database

Oracle Database 11g: Conversion Functions, Group Functions, and Joins

Oracle Database 11g: Subqueries, Set Operators, and Data Manipulation

Oracle Database 11g: Using DDL, Views, Sequences, Indexes, and Synonyms

Oracle Database 11g: Knowledge test


No specific prior knowledge is required.

We offer several optional training products to enhance your learning experience. If you are planning to use our training course in preperation for an official exam then whe highly recommend using these optional training products to ensure an optimal learning experience. During the order process you will be asked if you want to include these options.

Optional practice exam (trial exam)

To supplement this training course you may add a special practice exam. This practice exam comprises a number of trial exams which are very similar to the real exam, both in terms of form and content. This is the ultimate way to test whether you are ready for the exam. You may order this practice exam as an extra by entering 'Yes' at the top of the 'Practice exam' option. Read more about this practice exam here:

If you order the practice exam directly with your training course you will get an extra discount of $ 30.00 on your practice exam.

Exam via Pearson VUE

On concluding your training you can schedule your exam yourself. Book your own exam via Pearson VUE.

The advantage of booking your exam via Pearson VUE is that you decide for yourself where and when you will do your exam. With more than 5000 exam locations in 175 countries, there's always one within reach for you. You choose the location, the date and the time you want to do the exam yourself online.

You always receive an official registered and internationally-accepted certificate.

The costs of the exam are not included in the price of the training. Use the site of Pearson Vue to see the current exam prices.



Updated on 01 July, 2018
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