- Duration: Flexible
Course details
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Investing Strategies andOptionsTrading:
Do you want to learn how totradeoptions effectively?
Howto tradein the stock market without losing your shirt?
How to increase your profits while limitingyour tradingrisk?
In this Udemy option course, you will learn:
All you need to know about theCall & PutVertical option strategy(both short and long)
What theyare and how to trade them correctly
How to effectively trade short call and short put verticals
How to effectively trade longcall and shortput verticals
How profits and losses work when selling call and put verticals
How to reduce your risks while maximizing your probability of profit
The Five Golden Rules for trading vertical optionssuccessfully
Iron condor optionstrategy
and so much more!
Options trading is made easy.
This course is packed withpractical, insightful and educational option material. You willlearn all aboutstock options, option investing strategies, call options, put options, buying options versusselling options and otheroption strategies for income.
Learning how to trade options has never been easier.We cover successful option trading strategies, options basics, how to do options trading and how totrade options for income.
We use option trading examples andvisual illustrations ofpracticaloptions strategies, to help youbetterunderstandoptions trading and how to trade themcorrectly.
This is a foundation course designedfor those interested in learning thebasics of tradingoptions effectively and for anyonehungry to learn how to trade options.
This course is also forTastyTradefolks. Ifyou are a Tastytrader struggling to get up to speed, all mycourses are designed to get you up and running in the minimal amount of time.
This course will teach you how to Trade OptionsandEarn Consistent Returns in the Stock Market for the Rest of Your Life. It will start where "Option Trading for Rookies: Understand Options Completely" left off andtakeyou all the way to trading effective option strategies, such as Verticals and Iron Condors.
This is part of two of a3-courseoptionbundle:
Understand Options Completely
Basic Option Strategies
Make & Manage Profitable Trades
In these three coursesI willteach you how to trade optionsandearn consistent returns in the stock market for the rest of your life.
Iwilltakeyou from absolute ground zero of stock option tradingknowledge (i.e. "what is an option?") all the way to tradingdifferent option strategies in only a few courses.
There is no frivolous information here. Our goal is to get you up and trading right away, so everything you need to know is here and presented in a straightforward and easy to understand format. All the information is laid out and explained thoroughly on slides, and then illustratedonlive trading platforms to show you how to use itin reality.
Myths will be busted:
1) Trading is not as complicated as professionals would lead you to believe, in fact its pretty easy
2) Trading does not take a lot of time. You can do it from work or homein less than 15minutes a day
3) Trading does not take years to learn, I am going to teach you in only a fewcourses
No Fundamental or Technical Analysis is used or needed. This program is based on strategy. And strategy can be applied to any stock at any time.
Please also visit us atSharperTrades.com and take one of ourFREEWebinars/Courses on Options.
I'm a firm believer that "Nobody Cares About Your Money More Than You Do." I want to teach you howto manage your own money, so you don't have to pay exorbitant fees to Money Managers who get paid whether they make money for youor not.
Young or old, everyone can learn to trade. All you need is thecalculator on your phone and you have all the tools necessaryto take this course and learn a skill that canmake you money for the rest of your life!
This course is for all levels: beginners, intermediate and advanced traders! All you need is an open mind and a passion to be successful!
Enroll in this course now and start trading options successfully!
All our Sharper Trades courses come with:
30 day money-back-in-full guarantee
Unlimited lifetime access atno extra costs
All future additional lectures, bonuses, etc in this course arealways free
Our Sharper Trades team isalways available to answer any questionyou might have regarding this course. Answers are given in less than 24 hours!
Your trading success is our goal!
Over 70,000 students have already joined Sharper Trades courses. Join a large community of successful traders.
Click "Take This Course" and Start Trading Successfully TODAY!
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