Online CELTA University of Cambridge TEFL International House Dublin
Price: AED 9,420

    Course details

    The University of Cambridge ESOL CELTA TEFL course is the most recognised initial teacher training course in the world. In a unique collaboration with Cambridge ESOL and IH London, IH Dublin is offering the Cambridge CELTA Course Online as a 'blended-learning' teacher training course that combines online CELTA training with face-to-face components.

    Each CELTA course run by IH Dublin is externally moderated by a University of Cambridge ESOL assessor. This guarantees a constant high standard and consistency of course content, trainers and facilities. Online CELTA training is assessed and moderated according to the same criteria as the face-to-face course, and the course leads to a full CELTA qualification.

    Online CELTA Teaching Practice

    Teaching Practice (TP) is an important part of all teacher training courses. The face-to-face element of the Cambridge CELTA Course Online ensures trainees gain this valuable experience. Teaching Practice is conducted in groups, with each candidate teaching for a total of six hours, with peers observing. An experienced IH teacher trainer will give you feedback on each of your teaching practice sessions.

    Online CELTA Component

    CELTA training in the online part of the course includes interactive tasks, guided video observation and forum discussion. The aim is to develop effective, principled teaching methodologies. An advantage of the online CELTA component is the increased amount of time and support for you to reflect on and develop what you have learnt.

    Online CELTA Course Structure

    • The Online Cambridge CELTA Course is a 15-week blended online & face-to-face course
    • Face-to-face teaching practice at IH Dublin takes place every Friday afternoon
    • Online on IH Dublin's learning platform: interactive and multimedia self-study units, collaborative tasks in Discussion Forums, live sessions, observations of filmed lessons, assignments and tutorials
    Updated on 26 April, 2018

    About International House Dublin

    We_They is a member of the International House World Organisation founded in 1953. We are accredited by the Irish Department of Education and Science as a school for the teaching of English as a foreign language, and are inspected by both ACELS (the Advisory Council for English Language Schools) and International House World.

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