Leadership Skills Global Arabian Consultancy & Training LLC
Price: USD 272
  • Duration: 1 Day

Course details

Management and Leadership Training: works better, harder and faster because there seems to always be a list of things to do talle than Burj a team that will accomplish the goals of the are now mentors and coaches while you build a team that will accomplsih the goals of the company. It is engrained in the fast-moving ;                                                                                                                                                             OBJECTIVES:                                                                                     -Undesrtand the role of management within the organisation                                                                                             -Improve overall performance through effective and positive ;                                                                                            -Be more confident in practicing management                                  -Motivate people better                                                                    -Enhance and improve leadership skills                                          -Upgrade communication skills                                                        -Increase team skills                                                                        -Achieve better overall result                                                   " AGENDA"                                                                                               *Leadership                                                                                      *Communication                                                                              *Giving Directions                                                                            *Motivation                                                                                        *Problem Solving                                                                               *Time Management                                                                         *Delegation and Empowerment                                                                                        Updated on 28 May, 2018

About Global Arabian Consultancy & Training LLC

Global Arabian Consultancy & Training L.L.C (GACT) is a leading and established nationwide provider of Environmental, Health, Safety and Food Hygiene training and consultancy to a broad range of industry sectors in UAE and India. Through our expert trainers and consultants, we provide our customers tools and techniques they need to become more effective. Our consultancy services involve the identification and cross-fertilization of best practices, analytical techniques, change management and skills, technology implementations, strategy development, and operational improvement. By choosing GACT you are about to embark on one of the most exciting and memorable stages of your life.
At GACT we have a committed & dedicated team of staff who are on hand to provide customized training services and develop strong working relationships with their clients. Time will be invested fully in understanding the clients’ specific needs and the context of their issues. By doing this, sustainable performance improvements will be delivered within the framework of the clients’ values, strategies and goals.

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