Course details

The purpose of this award is to fully equip participants with the knowledge and skills, both in theory and in practice to: Understand the responsibility of the occupational first aider Be able to provide treatment for the purpose of preserving life or minimising the consequences of injury until discharge or the arrival of medical assistance Be able to provide treatment in the workplace for an injury which does not require the attention of a medical practitioner or nurse Be capable of coordinating first aid arrangements in the workplace Be familiar with health and safety legislation on first aid provision in the workplace Be capable of assessing the dangers involved during an incident not only to the casualty but to the first aider themselves. Be able to carry out an accurate and detailed diagnosis of an injured casualty and treat accordingly.

Learning outcomes are broken in to the following units

  1. First Aid in the Workplace
  2. Patient Assessment
  3. Respiratory emergencies
  4. Cardiac First response
  5. Wounds and Bleeding
  6. Altered Levels of consciousness
  7. Musculoskeletal Injuries
  8. Burns and Scalds, Chemicals, Poison, Electric Shock

Entry requirements: QQI Level 4 certificate, Leaving certificate or equivalent qualifications


  1. Two Skills demonstrations
  2. Short answer question examination

Protection for learners:NCU Training is one of only seven fully bonded and insured ICPA (Irish Course Providers Association) member training providers in Ireland. If you train with us your course is fully insured for refund of all fees in case of disruptions. *This is only available on courses of three months in Duration

Complaints procedure:It is your right as a client of our service to make a complaint if you feel your experience with us falls short of what you expected. We want the process to be easy, effective and fair.

Updated on 08 November, 2015

About NCU Training

They are one of the leading training providers in Dublin serving thousands of satisfied and now certified clients each year. Their tutors are second to none and provide the best quality at the most affordable price possible. Their main training centre is located in Coolock, Dublin hoTheyver They can deliver Their training in any location in Ireland. So get in touch today, They care about yTheir future, you are not just another number to us.

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