- Duration: Flexible
Course details
NINJA WRITING: The Four Levels Of Writing Mastery is designed to take you to the summit of flawless writing.
The course is taught by Shani Raja, a former editor for The Wall Street Journal whosepremiumwriting courses have been featured in Time magazine and Business Insider and have attracted more than 200,000 students on this platform.
"This fantastic course should be in every writer's toolbox..." -- SAMUEL PHILLIP RANGER
"Opens your eyes to all that writing could be..."-- SANDY, UDEMYSTUDENT
"Boosted my writing by one thousand percent..."--PAULO ARMI, UDEMYSTUDENT
"This level of teaching is what I would expect to pay big $$ for..."-- SARAHBLACK, UDEMYSTUDENT
"Solid gold..."-- DON, UDEMYSTUDENT
"Aperfect breakup of the writing process..." -- JOEYCRAY, UDEMYSTUDENT
"One of the best writing courses I have ever taken..." -- STEPHEN, UDEMYSTUDENT
"Any aspiring writer would gain magnificent polish following the suggestions in this course..." -- ROSILYN KINNERSLEY, UDEMYSTUDENT
"Gets you excited you purchased something of true value..." -- MELANIEJARRELL
"Sound advice peppered with subtle insight...."-- LORI, UDEMYSTUDENT
"I feel like an inspired artist with...potential to create a masterpiece..." -- ANZHELA SHURINA, UDEMYSTUDENT
"Writing techniques down to the atomic levels of a narrative..." -- ALDRICHDEMATA, UDEMYSTUDENT
"When I had read the all time bestselling writer's guide by Strunk and White, I thought, 'There is nothing more to be known.'Shani proved thatI was terribly wrong..." -- GOPINATH CHANDRA, UDEMY STUDENT
"Shani's courses have literally changed my life.I started applying for freelance blogging jobs. Now I'm making a living without having to work in a 9-5 environment..." -- IVAN JURAS, UDEMY STUDENT
"Will improve your writing exponentially...I wish I had known about these subtle writing nuances when I was in college..." -- KEVIN CHUNG, UDEMY STUDENT
"Cannot believe how helpful this is..."-- AMY,UDEMYSTUDENT
"The way he teaches is absolutely amazing..."-- FRANCESCO CATAPANO, UDEMYSTUDENT
"Only four lessons in and I can see how to truly improve my writing..." -- ANITA BYRD-PETTS, UDEMY STUDENT
"Am much happier with my writing since taking this course...so is my editor..." --JACKSTEPHENS,UDEMYSTUDENT
"Will buy any future course... without any hesitation..."-- AZAT MUKHAMETOV, UDEMY STUDENT
"As an eager blogger, I found this course extremely helpful..." -- VASILEIOS PANAGOPOULOS, UDEMY STUDENT
"Given me a deeper understanding of how to write a narrative..." -- IAN MCLEAN, UDEMY STUDENT
"An excellent way to polish and enhance your writing..." -- ISRAEL, UDEMY STUDENT
"Brilliant, clear and precise instruction on how to write well..." -- JANE MANTHORPE, UDEMY STUDENT
"Teaches how to recognize effective writing by explaining why it is effective... without getting bogged down explaining the finer points of grammar..." -- DOUG UNRAU, UDEMY STUDENT
Who doesn't want to enhance theirprospects by writing much more stylishly than their peers and competitors?
Or tomake a mark on the world by writing an outstanding book or creating a magnificent blog read by thousandsor even millionsof people?
After taking this course, that could be you.
It teaches you how to become not just an exceptional writer, but a masterful one. You'll know exactly how to get your writing noticed.
In Ninja Writing, you will discover how to embed quality at EVERY LAYER of your writingwhether its a blog, article, college essay, cover letter, corporate report or content marketing.
By the end, youll appreciate exactly how one piece of writing can be strikingly beautiful while anotheron the same subjectbores you to tears.
"Up to this point, you've probablybeen bored with so many writing teachers who emphasize'structure'through grammar tips and organization with a shot of word selection. But Shani covers that missing component: the artistry of writing. Writing can be just as fulfilling as painting, drawing or designing..."-- SANDY, UDEMYSTUDENT
"Even my degree did not teach me to write at these levels..." -- YAP WAN XIANG, UDEMYSTUDENT
So, what exactly is a ninja writer?
It's someone who can take disjointed thoughts and ideas and create beautiful narratives out of them.
That is the hallmark of a distinguished writer: one who understands how to build points elegantly, wrap them into neatly arranged sections, and then thread the ideas through exquisitely organized paragraphs.
A ninja writer has mastery over the sentence layer of writing as well.
He or she instinctively understands how to tighten loose sentences, sharpen blurred ones, and bring rhythm to those that don't flow well.
Finally, ninja writers wield invincible power over words. Theyre able to bring color, variety and freshness into their writing through their word choices, while slicing away any that have lost their edge or carry dead weight.
While a bad writer can make a mess even of the most sublime thinking, a ninja writers proseblogs, essays, or any kind of business writingalways ends up looking spectacularly polished.
The fact is thatgreat writing isnt just a nice skill to have. Its vital to conveying intelligence and professionalism to your bosses, clients, business partners, and blog or book readers.
Frankly, if you don't have this part of your life handled, you'll probably get fewer career chances, less shots at a promotion, and not as many eyeballs online.
And instinctively you know it.
If youre a blogger, the world may miss out on your brilliant ideas, simply because your writing is too dull or unwieldy to take seriously.
Remember thatwe live in the internet age, where a growing army of writers are competing to get noticed in an expanding sea of content.
This course will give you an edge.
Itll quickly take your writing to a level of refinement that will mystify anybody who doesnt know these elite techniques.
Here's a chance to take your writing to a level that, honestly, blows your competition out of the water.
"All I can say is WOW! After only a few lessons I went from struggling to write fewer than five hundred coherent words in two hours to easily churning out well written, well thought out content in less than 20 minutes."-- LISATHOMPSON, UDEMYSTUDENT
Just the understanding that writing has four layers can make a huge difference to how effectively you communicate.
If you don't know anything about those layers yet, dont fret.
Only a handful of writers do, and many are editors who work, as I have done, for top news organizations.
They spend all day bringing order and beauty to whatever article is presented to them.
They know how to focus on areas that bring structure to untidy prose, and a razor-sharp focus to disorderly ideas.
I know how rare this skill is because until recently I was an editor at The Wall Street Journal, where I taught many of the newspaper's journalists how to add style, flair and potency to their articles.
I've also written for The Economist, Financial Times, Bloomberg News and other highly regarded news institutions.
In Ninja Writing, I share what Ive learned at those places under the mentorship of some of the best editors in the world.
Once you've learned their secrets, you too will be able to weave magic with your words.
You'll know how to create spellbinding narratives, breathe life to tired sentences, and dazzle readers with the words you choose.
You'll also write with more confidence.
"My writing has dramatically improved..."-- LYNN, UDEMYSTUDENT
"Cant wait to use all the tricks and techniques..." -- ADAPERIO, UDEMYSTUDENT
"The Strunk and White guide for today's world...sure to be a classic..." --DERRICKHOWELL, UDEMYSTUDENT
One of the biggest problems novice writers have is not knowing if their writing is any good.
That wont be a problem for you anymore.
Youll know that it is.
Ninja Writing: The Four Levels Of Writing Mastery takes the mystery out of the writing process.
The tricks and tactics taught here will create a seismic shift in the quality of your writing, almost immediately.
Youll express yourself as brilliantly as some of the slickest editors on the planet.
Youll understand how to turn any kind of mediocre business writing into masterful prose.
The content here goes beyond what is taught in Writing With Flair: How To Become An Exceptional Writer, one of Udemys best-selling courses.
In Writing With Flair, I gave you a powerful framework for creating outstanding writing based on the three principles of simplicity, clarity and elegance.
The sweep of Ninja Writing: The Four Levels Of Writing Mastery is much broader.
It covers the whole territory of nonfiction writing, giving you a ground-up-and-top-down view of whats needed to inject quality into EVERY PORE of your writing.
If Writing With Flair turned you into an exceptional writer, Ninja Writing will mould you furtherinto an elite one.
Like my other courses, Ninja Writing steers clear of needlessly complicated jargon. Youll simply get strategies to help you write with impeccable style and poise.
The course has been designed to help you reach the top of the learning curve in as little as a few days.
Youll discover ways of looking at your writing that will elevate it to a plane most others dont even know exists.
In Ninja Writing, I reveal the four levels of writing mastery you must work to perfect.
How to connect with your audience, organize your writing magnificently, start your piece with a bang, end with a flourish, and embed it with powerful imagery. Getting the structure right is one of the hardest skills to master, but I'll make it super easy for you in this section.
How to weave points through paragraphs, so your writing looks exceptionally ordered and polished.
How to turn limp and bloated sentences into sharp, graceful and rhythmic expressions of your ideas.
How to choose precise and evocative words, and strip your writing of any that carry dead weight.
With heaps of examples and exercises to embed these tactics deep into your subconscious, by the end of Ninja Writing youll begin to see precisely the mistakes others are making.
And your own writing will shine like a polished diamond next to the lackluster efforts of your peers and business competitors.
Invest today in discovering techniques that will superpower one of the most important skills you'll ever need in life -- communicating with style.
Learn to:
Transform a weary marketing email into a persuasive sales pitch...
Translate a lackluster cover letter into a hard-hitting document...
Convert a dreary college essay into an compelling argument...
Turn a lifeless blog into a poignant masterpiece...
How to overcome writer's block
How to decide what to say
How to connect with your audience
How to create tone and pace
How to organize your ideas neatly
How to start with a bang and end on a high note
How to texture your writing
How to add more without resorting to fluff
Different paragraph styles so you can choose what suits your work best
How to weave points expertly through paragraphs
How to know when to switch to a new paragraph
How to tighten sentences
How to sharpen sentences
How to give sentences rhythm
How to create poetic sentences
How to maximise the dramatic impact of a sentence
How to choose precise words
How to avoid abstract words
How to find colorful words
How to avoid pointless distinctions
How to make useful ones
How to order words elegantly
How to exploit word sounds
How to slice syllables
How to boost your vocabulary
Start learning these elite writing tactics today.
In case you have any hesitation, know you're covered by Udemy's month-long money-back guarantee, so there's no risk dipping your feet in and trying this course out.
And take a peek at these reviews of WRITING WITH FLAIR: HOW TO BECOME AN EXCEPTIONAL WRITER... (NOTE:The second edition of this bestsellingcourse is now out!)
"If you are looking for a writing course that is outstanding look no further..." -- MATT SPRENGER, UDEMY STUDENT
"Better than any course I took in college..." -- ANNA TIERNEY, UDEMY STUDENT
"I considered myself a decent writer before taking this course..." -- MIA TURPEL, UDEMY STUDENT
"As a published author, I have taken no less than 10 courses in improving my own writing skills. This is, by far, the best..." -- ALICIA ADAMS, UDEMY STUDENT
"Simply amazing class..." -- SONIE SANDHU, UDEMY STUDENT
"Be ready for some enlightening stuff..." -- MARTIN TONEVSKI, UDEMY STUDENT
"Helps fine tune your writing and take it to another level..." -- NISHANT BHIDE, UDEMY STUDENT
"The best writing course I've ever taken. Worth ten times the price, easily..." -- HARBANS, UDEMY STUDENT
"Shani knocks it out of the park..." -- JOHN MICHAEL BARNETT, UDEMY STUDENT
"Stunning course... delivered masterfully..." -- PEDRO CARROGGIO ZOIO, UDEMY STUDENT
"Among the most useful I've ever had the privilege of taking..." -- FRANS DU PLESSIS, UDEMY STUDENT
"Improved my writing in ways that cannot be expressed..." -- REMCO BOERMA, UDEMY STUDENT
"Writing stopped being a chore..." -- VENKAT DINAVAHI, UDEMY STUDENT
"A breath of fresh air for my writing..." -- DARRYL, UDEMY STUDENT
"Delivery and explanations were perfect..." -- CHRISTOPHER, UDEMY STUDENT
"Presented with great passion and understanding..." -- BRYAN SUHARLY, UDEMY STUDENT
"Will improve your skills even if you only write post-it notes..." -- HECTOR RUBIO, UDEMY STUDENT
Isnt it time to quit wondering whether your writing makes the cut or not?
This course gives you the tools to become supremely confident at writing by putting youon a par with some of the best journalists in the world.
So come and join me, as I show you how take your writing to the next level of mastery.
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