Nerves or Anxiety? Symptoms & Best Psychotherapies Udemy
Price: USD 25
  • Duration: Flexible

Course details

I'll introduce you to the DSM-5 anxiety disorders of Panicproblems,Phobias,Social Anxiety, Generalized Anxietyand Agoraphobia as well as what therapieshelp youget control of them. You'll alsohave a chance to apply and analyze some real-worldcases. After that, we'll cover the anxiety-related disorders ofobsessive-compulsive disorder, hoarding, hair pulling and body dysmorphic disorder.Iwill also describethe best psychotherapies for relief. Towardthe end of the course, you canreview the key concepts you've learned and check your memory. Bythe end of the course, you'll be able to spot anxiety symptomseasily and also know what the best therapies are for bringing relief to those who suffer.

Updated on 14 November, 2018
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